Chapter 1 - Fight!

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Crow's pov

I stood at attention, waiting for my next orders. My instructor Mr. Blake yelled, "CROW! ZEKE! FIGHT!"

I immediately took up a defensive stance, making sure that I kept a blank expression on my face. Zeke stepped forward and we circled each other, from his small steps and the way the ghosts laughed at him he was scared.

Daisy was loudly talking into my ear, "so, like I wanted to get the blue skirt but like, the pink skirt was really cute too!"

I got annoyed, Zeke wasn't even trying to attack me. I quickly ran over to him, ducking down and easily sweeping his feet out from under him. I held my sword next to his throat and Mr. Blake yelled, "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT STANCE CROW? Goddamn weirdo..."

I looked over at him, keeping my blank expression on as I put my sword back in it's sheathe. He shivered when I stared at him for a full minute and he stalked over, harshly slapping my head. He growled, "you tryna give me attitude you little shit?"

I looked down, I didn't want to anger him anymore that I already had. He smacked me again before yelling, "CLASS DISMISSED!"

I spun on my heels and strutted out of the class, pushing down my urge to go back and litter the floor with Blake's guts. That will only end with you getting hurt much worse, I reminded myself.

I walked into my tiny cramped dorm, placing my sword down by the bed before plopping down on the bed.

Ah, you're wondering why I was the only one who got yelled at? Well that would be because I was a necromancer, I could talk to, summon and control the dead. The only problem was people were scared of me so I got treated like shit, but I was tough so I was fine. I was in a goddamn bodyguard academy for heavens sake, yet everyone was still scared of me because I had a power that I barely even used. Honestly though, I don't blame them for being scared of me. I always kept a blank expression on while I was working, I'd been here since I was 6 months old so I'd learned you upset less people while wearing a blank face.

The school was said to be  a school where they trained bodyguards, but they were truly training us to be killers. Everyone had been forced to sign a contract so when we graduated they got to place us with one of the rich families that needed extra protection. If I hadn't been an idiot and signed it without knowing what it was I would've been far away from this hell hole, but I was legally required to live here now. Granted they had drugged me before I signed, but I was still an idiot.

Not all the students got a shitty dorm like me, they had put me in this Harry Potter closet because of my class. Now you may think talking with the dead would be fun, but seriously it sucks. The dead never shut up, Daisy was the blinding example of that as she was still talking to me about her stupid skirt. Plus everyone was too scared to think about the after life, so everyone just freaked whenever I summoned them.

I picked up the mouse skull on my nightstand, running my hands over it. I never got any toys as a child, so I made my own with bones. But on the bright side I got to scare the living shit out of all the adults and other kids in the school. Plus nobody tried to talk to me while I was holding bones, and I made my own little shows since I could easily move the bones. I'd gotten a few glimpses of TV's, so I just made my own entertainment.

What was really fun was when I made friends with the mice when I was about five, they didn't judge me. They weren't mean, and they liked me. But whenever one of the students or teachers saw one they tried to kill it. I felt bad for the poor little creatures so I had made them all a home under my bed. I had also managed to befriend a rat, and he was really smart.

I groaned, I wanted to leave campus but Blake had kept us after curfew and if I got caught the punishment was six times worse for me than anyone else. I took out my crappy phone and texted Mama Alora, not gone make it. Trapped in school. Sorry.

She quickly responded, alright, rest up baby. Guess I'm going to be handling the old drunks by myself.

I chuckled and texted back, yea. Sory. Luv u Mama.

She responded, love you too! Can't wait till you're out of school! Then I'll adopt you and be your big sister!

I sighed as I didn't have the heart to remind her I was probably going to be shipped halfway across the world to guard some rich bitch. We weren't even biologically related, but she was the only one who treated me like a normal human being.

What I was really worried about was I had to do whatever the person who hired me said. If I got stuck with psychopath then I could end up dead, the contract I'd signed was a blood contract so I couldn't escape it. I felt like an idiot every time I thought about signing that contract, though they had drugged me so that I'd sign it and I had no clue what I was signing at the time.

The teachers at the school were always meaner to me than any other student, but I wasn't exactly polite either.

I hadn't ever spoken, Principal Connors had implemented a rule that I couldn't talk. It was mostly so I wouldn't summon strong dead people, but he reinforced the rule by getting the teachers to throw things at me if I spoke. Most of the teachers were too lazy to throw things so they'd just hit me, which the principal had no objections to. If I tried to speak I probably wouldn't even be able to, nobody had taught me so my grammar skills were awful. Well, that was what I blamed on failing English anyways. But I had taught myself to read and write so I wasn't so bad off! Who cares if I spelt words completely wrong...

I could die and Principal Connors wouldn't even bat an eye, he couldn't care less about me despite the fact he was my legal guardian. Well, not anymore since I was 18. He had only adopted me because he wanted to use me as a weapon, and he had done his best to break me down so I was a mindless soldier. But while I complied with his rules, I would never truly surrender. I was a silent soldier, and once I got out of that contract I was going to disappear to live away from everyone and everything in the woods.

I just have to survive for the next 15 years, what could go wrong? Ugh...why the hell did I think that, now this is going to be impossible. I'm doomed. I'm going to die alone. Whatever, I'll mope later, I need to practice my summoning skills. Since nobody in this death trap will probably train me in summoning, I have to figure it out myself. Here's hoping I don't pass out again.

Hello my ducklings, what do y'all think of chapter one? I'm thinking this'll be a sort of small book.

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