Chapter 4 - Bar

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Crow's pov

I looked over the contract, trying to figure out what hours I would be working. Alora tapped my shoulder and said, "honey, this contract doesn't matter. You won't have to do any work, they just want to be with you."

I texted Alora, y?

Alora's phone buzzed and she quickly checked it. She chuckled and said, "because they're your mates hun."

I typed on my phone again, wht that meen?

She gave me a soft smile as she tried to explain, "you know how Lola and I are really close? These boys want to have that with you. Remember how I told you about when Lola and I met? We just knew we were meant for each other."

I took a moment to process before typing again, they kinda weird. Alora chuckled when she saw my message. I went back to eating the last of my food, completely ignoring the contract that I now knew didn't mean anything.

Once I was done eating I looked out the window, completely zoning out. I came back to reality when the really tall one with brown hair tapped my hand. I tilted my head slightly as I tried to figure out what he wanted.

He gave me a gentle smile and asked, "would you like to go home and take a nap?"

I just shrugged, I didn't know where 'home' was but a nap sounded good.

I heard the bell on the door ding as someone walked in. I looked to see it was Lola, I smiled at her and she walked over to the table. She kissed my head and placed a small paper bag in front of me before sitting down next to Alora. I smiled and immediately dug into the paper bag, knowing exactly what it was. I pulled out my cake pop, happily eating it in small bites so I could savour the taste.

The blonde one chuckled and said, "we can pick you up more treats on the way home."

I looked up at him hopefully, for once meeting his eyes. I realized I was staring directly at him so I quickly put my head back down, I wasn't allowed to look anyone in the eyes. I texted Alora, is blond e serious?

She checked her phone and chuckled, asking me, "do you not know their names? Because his is most certainly not blondie."

I shrugged, I didn't know the names of most people and I didn't speak so it wasn't really a problem. The blonde smiled as he introduced himself, "I'm Kyle."

The tall one said, "I'm Ryan."

The last one with fluffy hair that I really wanted to play with told me, "I'm Christian."

Lola chuckled and Alora looked at her in confusion. She explained, "you all look and sound like fuck boys."

They looked shocked and Alora reminded her, "Lola, you really shouldn't say that in public."

I texted Alora to ask, what's a fuk boy?

She looked at her phone and awkwardly told me, "it mean they uh... like sex quite a bit."

I typed in my phone again to ask, what sx?

She gave me a shocked look and asked, "has no one ever had the talk with you?"

I tilted my head, becoming more confused by the second. Everyone looked uncomfortable while I was just plain confused. Lola tried to explain, "when two people really love each other-

Alora interrupted her saying, "nope! Not going into details, everyone hush. Also, it's spelt s-e-x. Not s x. Oh, and make sure to put is after what when you're asking a question about a particular word."

I nodded and opened my notes app, typing what she said. She sighed as she saw my terrible grammar, it wasn't my fault nobody had thought to teach me to write!

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