Chapter 5 - Good Morning

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Ryan's pov

The birds were chirping and light was coming through the window but Crow was still fast asleep. We were all enjoying getting to cuddle with him, he was holding onto Kyle tightly.

Kyle whispered, "I really have to pee but I don't want to wake him up."

I chuckled and quietly said, "put him on top of me, I think he likes our heat."

Kyle carefully started to shift Crow onto my chest, but he immediately woke and flinched away. He looked terrified, especially when Christian wrapped his arms around the boy in an attempt to calm him. He elbowed Christian in the stomach and bolted out of the room, leaving us all in shock. I jumped out of bed and looked out the hallway, trying to figure out where Crow had gone. He had completely vanished, his scent just stopped a foot away from the door.

The other boys followed me out into the hallway and I softly called, "Crow? It's okay baby. Where'd you go?"

Kyle told us, "I have been holding it for an hour so I'm going to run to the bathroom. I'll help you search for him in 2 seconds, be right back!" He headed back into the room but called over his shoulder, "mind link me if you find him!"

I sighed as I muttered, "why do we have such a big house... he could be anywhere."

Christian smiled sadly and said, "then we'll search the whole house. But you need to call security so they know to watch for Crow."

I groaned and asked, "why can't you do it?"

He chuckled and reminded me, "you hired them."

I rolled my eyes and went to call them while Christian started to check the rooms one by one.


Christian's pov

It had been 6 hours, and we still had no clue where Crow was hiding. The security team had been on high alert and they had reassured us that Crow hadn't left the house. We didn't want to call in a search team to look for Crow since we didn't want him to be any more scared then he already was, but at this rate it was going to be necessary.

I took out my phone and texted Crow's number, he probably didn't have his phone but it was worth a shot. Hey Crow, it's okay. Can you please tell us where you are?

I sighed and went back to searching the endless rooms, the struggles of being rich. My phone dinged and I pulled it out, gasping as I saw that Crow had responded. I yelled for the boys and read his text while they were on their way.

He had typed, i sory.

I quickly responded, it's alright baby. You got scared.

He asked, u rib ok?

I chuckled and texted back, I'm fine. But can you please tell me where you are?

After a minute of hesitation he told me, I in vents.

I swore and told the boys what was happening, they both frowned in response. I texted him hopefully, can you please come out of the vents?

He typed back, am i in truble?

I frowned, even if I said he wasn't there was a chance that he wouldn't believe me. I quickly tried to reassure him, no baby, we're just going to get breakfast soon.

He hesitated before asking, sugr?

I chuckled and told him, we'll get you all the sugar you want.

After a few minutes of silence I texted him again, are you okay?

He didn't respond and we were all starting to worry, Kyle worriedly asked, "do you think he got stuck? What if his phone died and he's stuck?! What if he got lost?! What if-

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