Chapter 8 - add name later

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Christian's pov

I smiled as we watched Crow devouring his food, we had gotten the cooks to make pancakes and Crow loved them. We were all enjoying having the small boy become so comfortable around us, but he was worrying us with how often he got hurt or scared. Once he'd finished his food I pulled him onto my lap, and he quickly snuggled up against my chest.

I kissed Crow's head and told him, "you can have some of mine too baby."

He smiled and grabbed his fork, carefully stabbing pieces of my pancakes and eating it. Once he had demolished my food he snuggled back into my chest, holding onto my shirt loosely. I kissed his head, holding him close and hoping I'd never have to let go. It was a major improvement since we first met him, he was eating more and getting more comfortable with us.

Unfortunately my fear came true, and Ryan stole little Crow from my arms. I protested loudly but he countered, "we need to clean off Crow, it's time for a bath."

The small boy seemed to be comfortable in Ryan's arms, but he clearly didn't know what a bath was. I slowly got out of bed, laughing as Kyle jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. By the time I got to the bathroom he was completely naked, and I pulled him close to me by his waist, kissing him passionately. He took off my shirt, trailing his hands along my 6 pack.

Ryan chuckled and said, "that's hot as hell, but I need help getting Crow's clothes off. You really like clinging to us, don't you Crow? It's adorable."

Crow tucked his head into Ryan's neck in response, clearly just wanting to snuggle. Kyle stalked over to Crow, running his hands over Crow's body gently. Ryan put Crow down on the toilet and we all helped him take off his clothes, Kyle talking through the mind link loudly about all the things he wanted to do to our little Angel.

Once he was undressed he wrapped himself around me, and I held him up by his bum. Ryan started the water and took off his clothes, laughing as Crow shamelessly watched him. My eyebrows raised as I felt Crow get hard. I murmured, "do you want me to make you feel good baby?"

He looked at me in confusion and I chuckled as I teasingly asked, "have you never gotten hard before?"

He shook his head and all of us were shocked, then extremely turned on.

Ryan playfully growled, "careful there kitten, you're playing with fire."

Crow blushed and buried his head into my neck, we could tell he was embarrassed. Kyle hugged him from behind and whispered into Crow's ear, "don't be shy baby. We're not going to judge. In fact we're quite happy that we make you so excited."

Ryan rubbed Kyle's back as he firmly said, "we can't do anything today. He's never gotten hard, and he definitely doesn't know what sex is."

Kyle whined and agreed begrudgingly, "yeah, you're right. We'll wait until after we've talked to him about it. But what do we do about..."

Ryan hesitated before he said, "it'll go away after a bit. We'll just have to keep everything nice and calm."

I nodded yes as I said, "that's a good plan. Ryan, can you hold him so I can take my clothes off?"

He agreed and held Crow while I stripped down, and Kyle got into the water. He reached out for Crow so Ryan gently put Crow in Kyle's arms. Ryan got into the tub after Crow, and I quickly followed suit. The small boy was clinging to Kyle, looking comfortable in his arms.

I smiled, knowing we were going to be okay. Everything was perfect.

Hey Duckings! So.... I've lost all motivation to write this story. Since I've got so many stories on the go, and I just can't see this story going anywhere.

Due to that, I am discontinuing this story.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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