Right Over my Head

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        How cheesy, I thought mischievously.
Is he bored of me already where he feels the need to flirt with my friends? "No need to fight over me, ladies." Okay, well, do they have to fight over you when you're taken?
When Blake turned his back, I took my rubber band and launched it at him.
       He looked quite baffled, and annoyed, but I could not bring myself to stop laughing.
"Hey, Blake. Don't take this personally but you are terrible at lightening the mood. Someone had to do it better, and hey! It worked, because now Charlotte and Pneudonna are giggling rather than fighting."
        Blake picked up the rubber band and examined it carefully. He then stretched it, aiming in my direction. He tried to launch it at me, but I dodged it.
"I'm so giving you payback for this."
"You have to catch me first!"
       I put an L to my four head, and rushed to class as fast as I could, leaving my poor boyfriend winded, since he could not keep up with me in speed.
Thank you, cross-country!
"Yeah, you better run!" he huffed.
"I will—"
He stopped to catch his breath, and leaned against a locker for support.
"I will..."
He just sighed and simply gave up.
       He was so out of breath that he couldn't finish his sentence, which just made me roll my eyes.
"K. See you at lunch then!"
We both stuck up our middle fingers at each other to salute, and with that, we both rushed to our classes, just in time before the bell rang.
Close one.
I set my backpack down under my desk, so nobody would trip over it, and to be honest, that should be something that more people should consider.
I suppose not everyone is as level-headed as me.
I flipped my hair confidently over one shoulder, mentally patting myself on the back for being a good citizen and human being to society.
This is why popular girls are superior. I smirked to myself.
VERY superior.
It was a very dreary and mundane class, as usual, outside having a grey and cool sky- similar to New England weather. There was a sense of doom in the air that a big change was about to happen soon, but I couldn't figure out what that event would be, considering I weren't, hypothetically, delusional in the first place.
I rested my head on my hand, gazing off into the distance, making sure none of the cool kids would catch me dreaming like that.
I texted Blake asking if he would like to hang out later, but not expecting much effort on his part, since he has been very busy with his schoolwork and other extracurricular activities. It does not seem like he has enough time for me, but I have been understanding.

Hi, Boo 👋
Date night tonight?

Sorry, can't. I got football practice after school. I also agreed to hang out late at night with the boys. Will this Saturday work?

Sure! I know you have been busy; take your time 😇

We will hang out soon my luv ❤️
Thx for understanding

As usual, what he lacks in effort he makes up in sugar-coated words, perhaps out of guilt or perhaps out of manipulation. In any case, I am willing to give him time and space.

I stare at my phone for ages before putting it down. Yes, the words are sweet, but the love is void for certain.
I feel lucky to have a relationship with him at all, because busy people like that usually choose success over the simple farm love life that I have always imagined, although instead of a simple farm, we would be rich, traveling the world, and living in a mansion.
Still, I got the sense that success was not the true and deep-rooted issue, and that perhaps there was something he wasn't telling me. Rationality told me I was simply being delusional, and I decided it would be better to use schoolwork to try to distract myself for the time being. I forced my attention on the teachers, so that I could keep up my good grades and stay out of emotional turmoil within myself.

Blake's POV
I sent a heart emoji with my text message to make it sound more generous than I was actually feeling. In all honesty, everything about Soola disgusted me from her mannerisms, to her appearance and the way she dresses and presents herself, and especially how she uses schoolwork as some kind of therapy and coping mechanism rather than working to achieve something actually ambitious and of high status.
I have been actively looking for an excuse to ditch her for a while, because no amount of money or social street credit is worth spending another second to that hypocritical trust fund baby, who pretends to be studious for clout and admiration.
I texted Lolivia and Pneudonna, somehow managing to multi-task between those two. For me, getting dates with girls was incredibly easy, and I saw no reason to owe commitment considering I would never plan on marrying anyone for a while.
Dating for me was experimental; to find out what things I like and dislike, and the things I want vs the things I cannot stand.

Hey Lola 👋
Are we on for tonight's date?

Sure lol; what time are you picking me up?

Will 7pm work?

Roger that 😜
I'll be there smokin

I can't wait :)
See you at 7 lovely

Looking forward to it, my prince 😘

I stared at the texts for a little while, wondering why Soola couldn't have that kind of confidence, or that I-don't-give-a-frack mentality. She was much cooler in the sense of authenticity, boldness, and charisma, which were all things my official girlfriend was lacking.

I texted Pneudonna to meet me tomorrow for a date, and she agreed. Right now it is a tie for me between which of those two girls is better.
        "Soola isn't even in that general competition right now, and I can't wait to get her off my back," I told my friend Ryan at football practice yesterday. We spent an hour bonding by making fun of her shallow personality and pointing out her Instagram thirst traps being both over exaggerated and overall terrible quality.
Despite her being a pain, I wanted to find a way to break the news to her gently, or even give her subtle hints to make the girl break up with me. So far, it has had no effect on her. If this wasn't going to get done the easy way, it had to get done the hard way.

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