Chaos and Places

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Blake's POV
Tomorrow morning

I sent a text to the group chat before school, asking Pneudonna, Charlotte, Sabri, Soola, and Sabri to meet in the library.
It was meant to be a group hang out, but more specifically, I knew Soola could only be there for a short time period, which would leave me alone with Charlotte and Pneudonna. Popular girls are some of the chattiest people, whether or not they do it with malicious intent. With enough indirect interrogation, it would be one of the easiest ways to get enough information on Soola to build a good excuse to split up with her. I would have to be careful of my behavior around Pneudonna at this hangout, however, because I didn't want Charlotte to catch on.
Anyway, if she proved loyal, I would have a date later anyway, so it didn't matter.

How's everyone doing today!?! 😊

Just dandy, Blake 🙄
Stop giving him attitude, Charlotte omg

Fuck off, Pneudonna
Guys, why is everyone fighting over my boyfriend again? 😂
Are we still on for that library hangout?

Absolutely, my love. I was just about to ask that ❤️
I'm so game! That book we found a couple days was so wacky, and I am dying to test it out for real

Same here! We should also probably get ready so we have more time to hang out; see you guys there :)

Since when did you become a flower girl? 🙄
Ttyl besties 👋
      Sabri never responded, so I assumed either she didn't see the texts or was too busy to respond. I texted Pneudonna in a private chat, knowing it was most likely safe, since she didn't have Charlotte hanging out with her and being nosy, which was a very rare occurrence. Usually that psycho would constantly be peering over at her phone, getting involved in shit that didn't concern her. Thank god she managed to get that parasite off her back, and I could speak to her without any strings attached.

We still on for our date tonight?
Yes, but when are you going to break up with Soola? I can't stand faking it anymore, when we are obviously a much better match for each other.
      You like me better than you like Soola, and I like you better than Soola likes you. Find a way to kick her out; she is so annoying.

Why is she annoying to you? I thought you guys were best friends. I don't like her because she is overly emotional and clingy, but what has she done to get on YOUR black list?

Are you familiar with Lolivia and her annoying buddy-buddies?

Lolivia is much less annoying in comparison to my own girlfriend, but what about her?

They used to have an extra, who went by Sky. I don't want to disclose anymore details, because all of us were kind of involved in it. However, Soola was the ringleader, and kept continuing after me and Charlotte pulled back.

What did you guys continue? I never heard of a girl named Sky before.

She committed suicide. Many people loved her a lot; she was very loved and admired by anyone who met her. Nobody ever talks about it, and I would advise you not to ask.

We're you guys involved in her suicide somehow?

Maybe I will tell you someday. Now is not a good time. I need to go now; see you at the library.

       I tried to send her a couple more text, but her notifications were on silent, so eventually I gave up.

A lot was on my mind after that text. The fact that these girls were involved in an actual suicide case was no joke, but I have been friends with them for a while, and I didn't want to rat them out, assuming people didn't already know about what they did in the first place. If I brought it up, I would obviously be shut down, since it happened ages ago. Most people probably knew about whatever they were involved in that was so bad, and even if they didn't, they wouldn't want to hear the truth.
        It wasn't my business, but I did have to get to the bottom of this, because suicide is no joke. I would basically be dating murder accomplices, and I deserved to know the truth, since I would be responsible for staying quiet. Perhaps Sabri would know something about her sister's involvement with this case...

I tried texting her, but no answer.
As Soola once told me, "Sabri can be impossible to reach when she is busy or motivated, unless it directly helps her accomplish her goal."
      Concerning, but admirable. Also gives off psychopath vibes.

When I did everything I could to try to find out more information, I decided to come back to the situation later and focus on the library hang out. Perhaps I would find an answer there— only time will tell.

Soola's POV
I got to the school relatively early only to be met with scowling faces from my past that wanted to haunt me when I already felt guilty, or at least a part of me did. Since that incident, I was already evolving and changing as a person, so why were they still after me?
Aster and Lolivia didn't say a word, but the expressions on their faces told me everything. Usually, I kept my head and chin up, standing tall, but when I had to face the bad deeds I was once involved in, I couldn't help but to put my head down and try to avoid eye contact as much as possible. Despite trying to fix my mistakes, there are some things we can't undo, and I think this was one of those instances.
         I walked by, ignoring the death glares I was receiving, and immediately went to the library without saying a word. Behind me I heard sneers and snide remarks such as,
"She's so weak without her gang," "of course she feels guilty" and "she should just face us and give an official apology."
When I saw my friends waiting for me, I was immediately relieved and did my best to forget what happened a couple years ago so I could spend time with people who cared about me.
I feel comfort knowing that these people will stand by me forever. These are the people who are true friends and will never betray me.

     "Hey besties!" I exclaimed to Charlotte and Pneudonna. "Where are Blake and Sabri?"
"They're a bit late," Charlotte said dismissively. "Do you want to try to find that book now? We might as well get a head start. One of us can stay here in case Blake decides to show up."
       I volunteered to stay, and while I stayed around the general library entrance, I decided to ask Mrs. Sobre about the book, to which she seemed to have a wide variety of knowledge on. I thanked her for helping me, and she offered to assist me if I ever had anymore questions about it.
In perfect timing, Blake and Sabri entered, after Charlotte already found the book. I hugged Blake tightly, despite the advice my sister gave me earlier. Busy or not, I still loved him, and I was confident that he loved me too.
        "Hey, Blake! What took you guys so long?"
"I had some errands to run," he said calmly. "Better question is: why are you here so early?"
"We wanted to get a head start," Charlotte explained. "Now that we found the book, we have more time to read it and talk about it.
       "Usually popular girls are not people you think would be bookworms..."
"This book is different, I think we can all agree," Sabri said brightly. "Shall we get started?"
"You're so eager," Pneudonna retorted. "But I guess we do have limited time here."
       We looked at each other before nonverbally coming to a consensus.
"Who wants to read?" Charlotte asked cheerfully.

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