Chapter 7

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Eloise :

After a quick nice shower , I found out that I Donot have any of my clothes , I really did not want to wear my old undergarments in which I slept so I had to  wear his clothes . I picked out a random shirt and a pair of pajama pants 

And then I went to the kitchen ,"oh" I said before I could stop myself , Zade was cooking . I did not think he could cook , I mean he is a rich billionaire boy , so I thought he doesn't know to cook plus he's rich he can afford a lot of maids , atleat I would do that if I am loaded  .

"Back to earth Eloise " Zade looked at me " you look nice in my clothes " he smirked 

. "Shut up " I said rolling my eyes , " I don't have  any of my clothes so i unfortunatey  had to  wear yours  , i will wash it return you back tomorrow " I promised 

all of the change happening and the new environment  really made me lose my appetite so instead of sitting on the dinner table i thought of roaming around and look around things because , well i need something to be distracted from all the mess and stay away from zade , he brings out my unknown emotions out . 

As i started walking away from the  dinning room ." You are not going to have breakfast " zade asked 

" no , i dont have a appetite "

" sit , have a breakfast you haven't eaten since yesterday "

"Why do you even fucking care  ?" I started  to move away because he fucking donot have the authority to order me and if he cares about me why did he fucking forced me in this marriage , zade tugged my hands 

" un hand me " i said 

" sit eloise , have your breakfast " as he put a plate in front of me . 

I felt irritated ,How dare he ! I swept the plate into the floor , clang! As the plate broke into many tiny pieces , the sound of the broken plate still ringing ,  my petty irritation started to melt away , as I realised what had happen ,Zade stood their quite and stiff, his eyes darken and his posture became stoic 

" pick up the plate " 

"No " I said just to make him feel irritated , I hate him for making my emotions a mess

" pick up the plate eloise , otherwise i will spank you"

" wha..t ?" My eyes were big than the plate I was served the breakfast 

"Pick up your plate or i will spank you" 

I fucking don't want to  do anything with him  let alone be spanked by this man , i started picking up the tiny pieces and wiped the floor picking up the leftover , well to be honest I would have done it in the first place but , there something about him that  nags me and makes me want to annoy the shit out of him 

"Happy? " i snarled at him  fucking idiot 

"No , my shirt " he pointed towards his shirt , his pristine white shirt was now dirty with the yellow  of the yolk splattered on it

" are you going to clean it up or not " he taunted me 

Ugg I hate him , I walked towards him  , his proximity made my head go hibby jibby , I slightly pinched his shirt  , to make sure to avoid unrequired contact with him and slowly rubbed it with the towel ,  his breathe fanned me , his smell overpowered my sense of emotions . His aura of danger around me made me shiver 

"Done "I said , I looked up at him , different emotions playing in his eyes 

He cleared his throat " sit Eloise "

I wanted to walk out of the room just to spite me , but I knew this psycho fuckward will make me do it by hook or crook  so I complied .

Zade  placed a plate in front of me will mith eggs and toast " eat " the nerve .he sat in front of me in the nearest chair .

" look , Eloise this is for your own good "

" what .? So you mean forcing me to marry you , getting separated from my family  is good for me . Are you high or something " 

" my dear wife , your father owed us money , now now if you stay ,my wife you get to live with my money   And luxury , it's just 2 years , you will get money after you divorce me  10 million dollars and I will get  my family inheritance, and if we had a kid , that would be cherry on top , I would love your belly swollen with my child. " he winked at me , the fucking audacity.

To think about it it with ten million dollars Zoe and I could have the very means to start fresh and I could support her education and give her a good life  that our father could not provide but -

" Eloise , I know you want to agree to it and you can start over your education and do the fuck you want , but the only condition is that you can't tell this to any one and you have to act like my wife so everybody believes us "

"I have conditions too, I said  " I will act like your fucking wife in public but I want a separate bedroom and complete privacy , and I want to start over my  education "

" aww , I miss your body  wrapped around mine in the morning " he faked pouted 

" shut up " I feel my checks heating up  and stormed out of the dining room 

His sound of laughter echoing the room . Fucker 


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