The Beginning

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My name is Jinora Yagi-Aizawa, it's hyphenated because I have two dads. They're not together though, my actual father is Toshinori Yagi, or All Might as the world knows him. And for Shota Aizawa, he just helped raise me too since my mother isn't around. So we hyphenated the last names, well, I went out and did it as a surprise. But it's been, I don't even know how long actually, I have been kept in a gross dark cell for so long now I don't even know what day it was.

That's another thing, wow, I have so many secrets to tell you! I am young, but I am tied for #2 with Endeavor as a Pro Hero. I am called The Spider, because while I was born with One For All, I also got my own quirk, which I like to believe my mother had. You know Spider-Man? Yeah, I'm basically that guy with all the webs and senses and I can like, stick to walls. It's pretty dope. They call me The Spider, since I am not a man and Spider-Woman sounds stupid.

The main thing is, The League of Villains kidnapped me. Jerks, right? I have been beaten and bruised and these handcuffs cancel out my quirks so I've been sitting here dealing with it for years. I miss my dads, I miss my friends. I really miss a warm meal and a comfy bed. Has anyone been looking for me? It's hard to throw my face on a screen, being All Mights daughter is a secret for my safety, but the League knows everything I suppose. I know it's been years, at least, maybe two or three. I don't even have a calendar down here to keep track of time. Just me, a really fat rat, and my thoughts.

I have been, kind of, kidnapped before. Maybe more so held hostage. Bank robberies, some assholes who can't control their quirks. Kamui Woods even locked me inside his stupid tree jail because he thought it'd be funny. But, this was just plain old kidnapping. They've  tried to steal my quirks, they've tried to pump me full of quirks, they've starved me, they've done everything a piece of shit would do. 

What day is it? Has my birthday passed yet? Why can I smell bleach right now.

Does anyone else hear that beeping? Like, it almost sounds like a bomb or something.

My eyes shot open, the smell of bleach hit my nose and made it hard to breathe. It was so fucking bright in this room, where was I? I hear the beeping, looking over to see a heart monitor. A hospital. How the fuck did I get here. My whole body felt heavy, I couldn't move my arms or legs very well and my head is fucking pounding.

"Thank you doctor." Who was talking, who was in my room? I looked over to see two men standing as the doctor bowed and left the room. I can't even think straight right now, what is going on. 

They turned to me, their eyes widening as I was trying to sit up. They looked familiar, but I couldn't figure it out. They had tears welling up in their eyes as they stared at me, not daring to move. My danger sense wasn't going on, meaning whoever they were, they were no threat to me. I shifted uncomfortably, their gazes were heavy and their crying made me slightly uncomfortable.

"Uh, who are you guys?" I asked, they didn't look like they wanted to leave the room so some talking would be nice.

"You mean you can't remember who we are?" The man with black hair spoke, he wore a sad smile, almost not believing that I was being serious with my question.

"Now Shota, the doctors said this might happen. The best thing to do is to not freak out." The semi shorter, super skinny blond man said. His hand rested on the taller ones shoulder, trying to comfort him.

"You should know how I am feeling right now Toshinori! We- we raised this girl and she can't even remember who we are!" The black haired man said, tears running down his face as he turned and stomped out of the room. I felt bad, it can't be my fault I don't remember, can it? I can't remember anything since before waking up in the hospital. I don't even think I know my own name!

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