3. primer

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Barty leaned close to Evan's ear and blew into it. Evan's hand slapped over his ear quickly. "Can you stop that?" His brows furrowed and eyes narrowed.

When he got no response from his new physics partner, Evan continued to write what the professor had written on the black board moments ago.

Another wave of air hit his ear. Evan sighed heavily and placed his hand on his ear. It was tough writing like that but what could he do other than that?

After a few more blows of cool hair into Evan's ear he slammed his hand against the wood of the desk. Making a few heads turn.

"Can you stop that?" Evan said, clearly but harshly.

Barty just rolled his eyes and rested his chin on the desk. Not really paying attention. His eyes scanning the skull ring on his finger. Playing with it.

He looked bored. Though when you stopped thinking of the green hair piercings and scars. That Evan noticed was a good amount of. All you could see was a little boy. Not even fully matured.


"Well, I disagree." Dorcas fed her girlfriend with gummy bears. Not letting Tasha speak.

Evan knew this wasn't what relationships should look like. Cas and Tasha barely got along. They clearly weren't made for eachother.

The girl with blue hair got up from Dorcas' lap and headed for the other table her friends were at. She waved her girlfriend goodbye and skipped off. Her short blue hair bouncing behind her.

Evan leaned forward to have a 'private' conversation with his friend. "Y'know Cas-"

"Again with the girlfriend hate!" Dorcas looked fumish. "What do you have against Nat?!"

This conversation again. Really?

Evan disliked Natasha quite a bit. She wasn't a bad person but not exactly the one you would like to be friends with. Let alone being the girlfriend of.

"I'm just saying-" the curly haired boy's hand flew up to explain it.

Very bisexual of him indeed.

When Evan didn't know how to explain something to another person he'd try to show it with his hand gestures. Including the unoriginal fingerguns Regulus pointed out every now and then. And how much it irritated him.

"I have one thing we can all agree on." Regulus still gazed into his phone. Typing away.

"Shoot." Pandora was putting on a fresh coat of pink nailpolish. It complimented them nicely.

"Pelzki is a bitch." He finally gazed away from the intelligent black rectangle and up at his friends. "God, couldn't he had paired us differently?" Cas agreed in her own way.

"Why? Who'd you get paired with?"

"Fucking McKinnon." That name made Dorcas' tongue twist in all kinds of ways. Not the good ways. They were rivals at basketball. The school had its own basketball team which consisted of Dorcas Meadows, Marlene McKinnon and a few others. But no matter how many times the coach had told the girls to work together they'd always end up fighting or on eachother's nerves. Never passing the ball to the other or looking in their direction. If it weren't for the uniforms you couldn't tell they were on the same team.

You could imagine how the matches were. It definitely wasn't beauxbatons Vs Hogwarts. It was more like Meadows Vs McKinnon.

"I've got worse." Regulus insisted.

"There's nothing worse than McKinnon, mate." Evan shook his head.

"Who'd you get?" Pandora leaned on the table as if it was secret information.

"Potter." Reg said, in classic Black family fashion.

Dorcas looked at Regulus as if he'd snatched her makeup box and taken all her favourite clothes. "I take back what I said."

"At least I actually got paired with someone I like." Panda drank from their orange juice box.

"Yeah, someone you like a little too much." Regulus teased.

Evan didn't understand what they were talking about. Someone his twin liked a little too much?

What the hell did that mean.

Dora was paired with fucking Lily. Their friend- oh

Is that why they never slept alone anymore.

Because Pandora liked Lily and they were as Dora said; "Really good friends."

Evan met eyes with Dora for a moment before he swallowed the lump in his throat. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom really quickly." Evan mumbled. He got up and walked out of the hall, into the nearest bathrooms. Only to be met with Mother Mother being blasted and a green haired boy in front of the mirror.

"Don't you belong in the gender neutral bathrooms?" The blond tried to make a joke. However Barty met his gaze. Evan's eyes trailed from brown pupils to a scar above the boy's lip. It looked a little irritated. And red. Then he noticed the new boy's hand. There was something in-between his pale fingers. His fingernails scraping against the plastic part of the object.

Neither of them atempted to move. The tapping of Bart'ys nails became rythmic. Always tapping the same spot. The same sound came out. All a few milliseconds apart.

Evan draped his school bag on one shoulder. Unzipping one pocket. He reached for what looked like a tube-thingy. It was small and fit snuggly in his bag. The blond put his bag back in place and moved closer to Barty. Crouch moved backwards until his back hit the cold tile floor.

When there was no place to go, Barty just watched the other boy get closer. Until he put the weird-looking object in-between them on the cheap looking sink counter.

They shared one last look and Evan left the bathroom. Forgetting what he'd even come there for.

Barty gazed at the thing Rosier had left him. It was an anti-redding primer.


Evan had atempted to help him?



New chapter :))

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