4. fatherly talk

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Barty couldn't fall asleep. The primer bottle from yesterday was sitting on his bedside table. A lamp was turned on beside it. There were footsteps heard and Barty quickly turned the switch.

The light went out and he turned to the side. His back facing the door. Barty closed his eyes. In an attempt to make it look like he was sleeping.

The door to his room opened and his father stepped in. Barty wouldn't like to admit it but he was scared. He was afraid of his father. And not the respect kind of fear...

Through Bart'ys eyes; respect is earned. Not given. He doesn't owe his father anything for bringing him into this world.

And sometimes he thinks it would be better if he wasn't here at all. He was like a speck of dust to his father. Useless and only taking up space.

He heard a sigh. And a foot stepped into the dark room. In which the only sound was raindrops and further thunder.

Bart'ys father had come home late, once again. He walked around his son's room. Remembering the times he and his son had been closer. Not exactly a father-son relationship. But the times when they would still talk. Still aknawledge eachother.

He stopped at the window. Gazing outside on the star lit sky before turning to his 'sleeping' son.

Bartimius ruffled through his son's hair. Seeing Bart'ys new piercings and green hair. "This kid." He shaked his head with a sigh. The father pulled up Bart'ys duvet. Tucking him in.

"Whatever you do, do not end up working at the minestry." He chuckled. "It'll tear you apart." He creased Bart'ys face. His nose was entirely his mother's. Those eyes were his.

Those eyes. Brown as coffee, as deep as a ravine. Those eyes that cry so many tears. The eyes Barty had gotten from his father. Those eyes he kept shut. As if closing them forever. Closing them from his dad. Not letting him see when his chocolate eyes sparkle, and even when they're dry, or when they start to water.

"No matter how hard this may be for you and me right now." He paused. Tears building up in the father's eyes. "Just don't let me burry my little boy." He traced over the scar above his lip. The scar he did.

"I know we have our ups and downs, Barty. But I'm your dad." Bartimius sr. Wiped away some of the tear droplets away with his thumb. "And if you need anything, or got in the weirdest shit and can't get yourself out. Just tell me and we'll figure something out." He said, now tracing over other scars... those that Barty caused himself. Last year had been a bunch of ups and downs for both of them. Including Bartimius sr.'s anger issues and drinking problems.

Those, mixed with Bart'ys emotions... didn't work out the best for them. That's why they'd moved into London. Like a new start for the both of them. Though now they could both see that it'll end the same as last time.

With one night of his father getting drunk, and a few hits to the face because of Bart'ys big heart. The heart that could love everyone. But was thorned from the outside. All kinds of weapons protecting it. Not letting anyone in.

"I love you. Barty. Even though I don't show it. I love you, so very much."

On his way out, Bartimius sr. Stopped near the bedside table. Taking the small bottle of primer and on his way, threw it in the trash.

When he left, the boy's eyes opened. Tears rolling down his cheeks. Even though he knew his father didn't love him for who he was. He 'loved' Barty because he's the only thing his mother left behind after her death.

Reluctantly, the boy got up and walked over the bin in his room. He rumidged through it and alast found the primer bottle. He smiled. Tears still rolling down his face. He threw the nearly empty primer bottle in his drawer. That's when he realised why the bottle helped him.

Reduces redding and hydrates skin for up to 48 hours.

He read. His Cheshire smile was just growing.


The teacher walked around the classroom. Looking at the art the students were currently making.

The teacher set quite the interesting theme.


They were supposed to draw death...

But the students never seemed to back down. No matter how hard the theme was. And Barty Crouch jr definitely wasn't a quiter.

The teacher made coments on each of the scetches. This was quite weird of her but none the less Barty continued to sketch his outline of a corpse. But it looked peaceful. Though skin was pealing off it. There was a meadow in the background. With all kinds of flowers and a beautiful sky. Where stars shined even in the day.

The boy was caught off guard when the teacher came up behind him. She snatched the art piece which wasn't even half done according to the brown eyed and watched the professor come up to the board with his drawing. Pinning it up with magnets.

"See, what an incredible piece Crouch has made. It showes how death can be scary at first but then is peaceful, and beautiful in its own way."

That definitely wasn't Barty's intention. First of all. She just made that up on the spot. Second of all. Barty was just doodling. He didn't put any effort into it. He was just bored and followed the theme.

"Your really tallented. Barty." The teacher passed the paper back to the boy.

"Looks like someone has competition!" Sirius shouted from across the room. And laughed when Evan chucked his pencil towards Sirius' head.

Barty looked to his left. Seeing Evan's drawing. It was also really beautiful. But it looked forced. Like every line had its spot. His drawing was so organized.

However Bart'ys was more at ease and messy. Just like him.


Just another chapter :))

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