8. pharmacy encounter

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(Tw's: mention of overdose)

Barty kept his hood on. However it wasn't because of the aesthetic purpose. He was cold. The leaves were now different shades of orange instead of green. He sighed and kept walking in the dead of night until a light shined above him. His brown eyes were glistening in the light of the green cross. His father wasn't far behind him. Bartimius sr. patted the boy's shoulder and waited for him to walk inside the pharmacy himself. Knowing it wasn't good to push him into things. It had been nearly three months since he'd set foot in it. Three months ago he bought a few pills which caused the father to find him passed out on the bathroom floor one night. Lucky for the older man he was able to get home early, at first it was supposed to be a surprise for his son. But when he saw him unconscious on those cold bathroom tiles he'd been careful about letting Barty lock himself in rooms alone.

When Barty moved, he took short steps. Not wanting to see that place again. They stepped in and heard the familiar ring of the bell. Letting people know someone has arrived. Barty watched his father take out some pills he was on. As he waited for his father to come back he saw the same blond hair and blue eyes from school. Their eyes met. Staring at the other for a moment.

"Fancy seeing you here at three am on a school night." Barty tried to smile a little bit but it just turned out as a sleepy grin.

"Fancy seeing you sticking to your dad like glue, what are you? Five years old?" He snickered.

"For your information. I'm sixteen.-" he was cut short because of a yawn. "- and we have to start on that physick project some time soon." He reminded. Still half asleep.

Evan rolled his eyes. An unpleasant frown wasn't his best look. "You free on Friday?" He muttered.

Barty nodded. "After school, in the library?" He asked.

Wait. Oh fuck, Evan couldn't leave his sister and sibling alone after what had happened.

"What if we did it at my house?" He suggested.

Barty shrugged. Too tired to think straight. "Sure."

Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to do the project at Evan's house.


Evan creped back up the ladder and through the window. His pupils widened in surprise. He nearly screamed when he saw his father in front of him. "Why aren't you in bed?" His voice was angry but quiet.

"I went for a walk." Evan lied, slipping the medicine he'd picked up for Anya into the back pocket of his jeans. "At three forty?" For some reason the father didn't change his facial expressions. As if he was used to it by now.

He nodded. Evan's hands were behind his back. "Get to bed before I have to call your mother." He growled. Watching his son walk into his room quickly. And there, underneath the covers was his baby sister. He checked her temperature quickly. "Ev?" She mumbled sleepily. "It's okay. Go to bed." He reassured her, pulling the blanket over her small frame. Evan planted a soft kiss on her forehead and laid down beside her.


"So, any friends, at your new school?" Bartimius asked Barty. The boy played around with his plain pasta. "Nah." His toes brushed against the cold floor. Barty refused to wear socks anywhere else than school. "Actually, one." He smiled at the memory.

"Oh really?"

"Mhm. He's quiet and respectful. You'd like him." Barty mumbled.

"Oh really?" The father repeated. Bored.

"He's called Regulus. We're not really close or anything we just bump into each other a bit." Barty picked up the fork to his lips. However he lowered it after he heard his father talk about the newspaper.

"These gays keep parading their stupid little flags." He scoffed. "Thank god you're normal- well, in this way, at least." The man lowered the big paper and watched Barty. "Something wrong?" He asked.

The boy shook his head, an unconvincing smile on his lips. How could he ever think that they were all good now. There was always something in-between the two. Either it being Bart'ys shit friends or the father's homophobia.

And that wasn't the only string of words that wounded him.

Normal, In this way. Atleast...

Barty knew he was a little weird or overly energetic at times but he thought there wasn't much notice of that. Not until now.

"What were you saying? About your friend? I hope he isn't into this foolery." Bartimius sr. chuckled as if it was funny. "Or is he-"

"No. Dad. No, Regulus isn't into this sort of stuff." He told him. Though it was a lie. The partially green haired boy kept playing around with his food.

"That's his name?"

"Yeah, I already mentioned it." He sighed and leaned against the chair. Why wasn't he fazed?

"Oh? Sorry, I wasn't listening."

Barty sipped on his coffee. Now this was more like his father.


Another lil filler chapter :D
Second one is coming soon!

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