9. a bleeding nose and unpleasant text

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CW: mention of blood and mention of cancer (leukemia) If any of these trigger you I recommend you skip this chapter. If anything I'll be more than happy to fill you in (in less detail ofc) if you want :)

Evan wasn't able to stay awake at all and was often seen sleeping on his desk. "Coffee?" Regulus asked at lunch. Pushing a Starbucks cup towards him. "Thanks." The blond boy mumbled and gulped it down, still sleepy.

"What day is it?" The boy asked. His blond hair flat on his face. "Friday." Evan rolled his eyes. "Why have you been so tired lately?" Dorcas leaned forward on the table as she switched her phone off. "Sister's been sick alot." He shrugged, but then added. "Hey, Regulus, your parents are making you take medical school next, right?"

"Mhm." Black stared at his empty Starbucks coffee. "Um, she's been like bleeding from her nose alot?"

"Evan. I'm not a fucking doctor yet." Regulus, who was mourning the loss of the last few droplets of black coffee was heavily irritated now. "Yeah, yet." Evan looked hopeful and Regulus couldn't leave him like that without an answer. "I'll look it through but you should go to a real doctor at some point. To make sure it's nothing bad so-" The shorter boy had stopped mid sentence only to blush a deep red and tuck a strand of hair behind his ear while looking to the right.

The right where James fucking Potter sat.

Evan snapped his fingers in front of Regulus' eyes. "So?"

"So?" The younger boy's face scrunched up. Still burning red. "Do you have a sunburn or something? Are you sick too?" God, was everyone getting sick?!

"Yeah, sick for Potter." Dorcas teased. Natasha wasn't in today so she'd been bombarding her girlfriend with messages on how she was gonna kill her if she didn't show up tomorrow.

Evan gave Regulus a look of confusion.

"Just leave it." The younger boy shrugged though the blush hadn't disappeared until later that day.


The bright light of a computer screen lightened both the boy's faces as they continued to work in silence. Barty was clicking his pen nervously. Something Evan found highly annoying.

Until the blue eyed had enough and snatched the pen. Giving his project partner a sharp look. Barty didn't bother to say anything. Nor react some kind of way.

Bloody wanker. Probably looking at me just so he could find another thing to criticise. Crouch breathed out with a pinch of hatred. He should learn to first get to know the person before assuming anything at all.

The minutes felt like hours of not talking. They'd been stealing glances. Making sure the other was working. Though, their hard work was interrupted a while later.

"Ev?" A small knock on the door echoed through the uncomfortably quiet bedroom. "Yes?" He turned his attention to his little sister who wiped her nose again. Something red stained her hand and she looked up innocently. Her silverish blue eyes were coated with a layer of fear.

Barty watched as Evan's face softened and he reached for a tissue in his pocket.

"C'mere." He mumbled and carefully pressed the tissue against her button nose. "Hold it there until it stops." He brushed through his sister's blond curls. Which weren't in dreadlocks like they used to be. She'd complained about them itching.

Barty had sensed he was the odd one out at the moment. He got up. Mumbling something about the bathroom.

Barty just let that sink in. He'd been very careful around blood. He'd never been a fan of it. If anything, he'd wanted to believe it wasn't real.


Blood cancer.


His mother was a victim of cancer. He'd never forget how that sickness had stripped him of his mother. Barty had looked into the mirror. Watching himself, the only thing he could bring himself to do was to watch the tear trail from the corner of his eye until it left his face and dropped into the sink.

He knew sickness when he saw it. And not the hayfeaver or cold kind.

And this was very much real. Maybe Rosier knew his sister was sick with leukemia. Or maybe he had no clue. But Barty was certain he wouldn't bring it up.

Even if it could save the little girl.

He couldn't go through something like that again. Maybe he was selfish. Maybe he was a prat who lacked bravery. So what?

Even he needed to be selfish at times.

He'd never hoped he was wrong more in his life.
"Who was that?" The girl threw herself on the bed. Landing on her back.

"Classmate. We're doing a project together." He smiled at her. "We should really go to a doctor's office about your nose though." Anya shrugged. "Can we not go when it's school?" She asked.

"Why?" Evan chuckled. He'd be bouncing off the walls if he could skip school for a measly check up.

"I've made a friend." She grinned. Full of pride. "Oh have you?" The brother mocked. Anya nodded her head. "She's called Nympa- Ngh-" She attempted to pronounce the name. "Dora?" Her eyes glistened.

"Are you asking me?" Evan raised his eyebrows.

"Nooo~" The girl whined. "She's got a really long name."

Suddenly another screen lit up. And it was none other than Bart'ys phone. Evan reached to turn it off only to see a text.

Catch you on your way home? Or maybe at home? With your dad gone and mother dead I'm sure that wouldn't be a problem.

Would it?

Evan immediately knew something wasn't right. He turned the phone off after hearing quiet thumps not so far from him. The footsteps didn't sound like anyone he'd heard before. So they were probably Barty's. Flipping it on the back side.

Soon enough the door opened and Barty slipped in. His face was cold from the icy water which he had damped on himself not long ago. The boy walked over to the 'work table' and flicked on his phone. "I better get going now." He watched Evan's face. His lips slightly parted.

"Why...why don't you stay here. For the night?" The blond boy watched as Crouch gathered his things. "It's late."

He wouldn't mind Barty getting beat up or whatever shit was going to happen.


There was no way he was finishing this awful project alone. Even if it meant the boy had to stay the night.


Guess who finally updated

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