6. janitor's closet

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"Professor, may I go to the bathroom?" Barty asked the history teacher. It was just a few minutes till break. Professor McGonagall was a stern woman, though she treated her students with kindness and respect. Not like most professors, you could easily tell she was the favourite.

"Make it quick." She glanced at the boy. Her hair tied back in a slick bun. But the thing he liked most about her was how the professor never used her students last name. Or atleast she would avoid using them.

A habit she had picked up on after Sirius had ran away. Even before that he hated his family and his surname. And so now in an attempt not to make her students uncomfortable she avoided using last names. Something Barty was very thankful for.

When walking the empty hall he heard quiet sniffles. Barty stopped in his tracks. Trying to pick up the sound again. Making sure it wasn't just his imagination. The boy's vans quietly made a beeline to the janitor closet's door. He knocked on it gently. Trying not to scare anyone who was inside.

Then he turned the knob and peaked inside. The place was small, tiny if you will. Just a few mops and brooms along with their cleaning supplies were thrown together. It was dark but he could still make out the figure there. Leaning against the wall was someone with short black hair, pail skin and gray puffy eyes.

"Go away." The black haired mumbled. Barely audible.

"What are you doing here?" The taller, green haired, asked as he shut the door behind them and turned on the light.

"I said go-go away." The smaller tried to wipe away as many tears as he could to get himself together. Not wanting the boy to see him cry.

Barty crouched down before him. "Can I put my hand on your shoulder?" The other shook his head and Barty did as he asked. The smaller, much frail boy let Barty stay there with him until he calmed down. His breath was becoming more steady.

The elder boy had slowly began to connect the dots.

Short black hair, clearly chopped off not long ago by the look of it. Since it was quite choppy. A short gray skirt was clinging to his waist. And a little pink, blue and white flag on the black backpack beside them. So, dysmorphia. Probably...

"Can I know your name?" Barty asked, softly rubbing circles into the other boy's shoulder.

"Vega." He said as tears filled his vision once again. That was a star?

It was, wasn't it?

Well, it didn't seem much like a boy's name.

"No," Barty frowned and motioned to the pin on his bag. "What's your real name?"

A small smile formed on the boy's lips as he understood what the other ment. "Regulus." He replied, playing with his rings. "Why are you helping me?" He asked. His white blouse untucked in an attempt to feel more gender neutral.


Why was Barty helping him?

"Um, I dunno. I just am." He shrugged. A memory was dug up. "Hey, didn't you wear trousers a few days back-" Barty wasn't even able to finish his sentence.


The slightly green haired gave the star another smile. Though this one was more sympathetic and it felt more real to both the boy's.

"Same-" The taller, brown eyed trained over the small scar. Knowing Regulus' eyes were on him. "But there isn't much we can do about it, can we ?" He asked and watched as Regulus nodded lightly in response. His chapped lips pressed together. Rolling up his sleeve to reveal nail scratches and a few darker spots. He also traced over them, curling his legs around him.

Regulus felt a hand holding his. It wasn't firm, nor forced, or threatening. It was calm. Letting him know other people were there for him. "What's your name?" Regulus' watched Bart'ys slim fingers gently cress the sides of his wrist. He really was trying to not make Regulus feel triggered.

"Barty." He let go of Regulus' arm. Hearing the bell ring.


"You're wearing a skirt!?" Dorcas basically screamed across the cafeteria. "Shut up.-" Regulus shoved her in a friendly way and sat next to the girl. "-clothes have no gender."

The three stared at Regulus. A blank expression on their faces. Waiting for the real answer.

"Mum was in a bad mood." He stole some of Pandora's gummy bears which they were sorting into rainbow order. They looked taken back, but didn't say anything. Not wanting to upset their friend.

"God, I hate school lunches." Evan mumbled. Picking his mash potatoes. Not eating them.

"Yeah," Regulus sighed. Pulling his skirt down more in an attempt to show less legs.

"D'you wanna order sushi to school?" Cas looked her friend's ways. "Maybe ditch?" She asked, hopefully. "Reggie?" Dorcas was trying to make her friend feel better. Knowing he loved sushi more than books and his depressing muisic. "Can we settle on sushi?" His voice small, uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I'm going to the bathroom to make the call. Wanna tag along?" She asked Pandora. As the boys needed to have a talk. The blond quickly nodded and left with the taller girl.

"Are you okay?" Evan checked up on the boy. Watching him shake his head. "Y'know the new kid?-"

"Did he do something? Should I beat him up?" Evan went full on dad mode. He'd be like that at home. Taking care of his siblings because his mother and father were incapable of it.

"He-he's a good guy. He found me in the janitor's closet while I was having a little breakdown. I just thought I should tell you that. He's not as mean as he looks."

"You had a breakdown?" The blond's voice full of worry. "Yeah." The star confirmed. Seeing Dorcas and Pandora come back with sushi in their hands. They'd do this when school food didn't taste well. Or when it was uneddible. Like today.

Sure, they'd gotten detention for ordering sushi Infront the school but whatever. They'd rather be in detention than starve because they hadn't eaten the gravy soaked beans that tasted like pickles.


From now I'm really gonna be kicking off the story. Also I'm getting a cat and I'm gonna call him Pixel.

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