Chapter 2

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The Namikaze compound was bursting with excitement. Well, as much excitement as a kids party could have. The massive property was filled with important people. Almost all of the clan heads and their children were in attendance and even a few civilians who were glad their children had been invited by the birthday kids just a few hours ago at the festival. A joyous occasion it was, there was food being served, music being played, and plenty of kid friendly activities taking place in the training area.

The children were continuing their game from earlier in a boys versus girls match that would've been outmatched had it not been for Mito somehow being able to hold her own against both Menma and Sasuke. While that was going on, the adults remained inside, chatting with one another or spilling the latest gossip around the village. As comical as it is with the people they knew, there was plenty to talk about.

For one, it seemed as though Kakashi was stuck to his remaining teammate like glue with people speculating on their more than friendly relationship, Tsunade and Shizune leading the talk. Then there was Jiraiya, trying his best to talk up a few of the single civilian moms who were adamantly denying his requests. Most of the clan heads, including the Yamanaka, Akimichi, Aburame, Inuzuka, and Hyuga clan heads were discussing next year's academy class and the training they had done to prepare their children.

In the kitchen, Kushina, Yoshino, Mikoto, and Ayame prepared plates of food for the guests and made sure everything was ready for cake and ice cream for later on. Kushina was working like a mindless drone, not even paying attention to what her friends were saying. Her mind too focused on her forgotten son, as it had been since they parted ways after the Kyubi festival. Still a painfully fresh realization, she just wanted this day to end. It seemed everlasting, as if Kami wanted her to suffer as long as possible.

That thought hurt as well. She couldn't even force a smile for her other children on their birthday. This really wasn't how she imagined this day going. It was supposed to be a day of relaxing and fun after the long period of stressful work they had put in over the three years. Stressful in the way that they really didn't make much progress. At the end of it all, Mito and Menma's skills were barely Genin level at best. Of course that isn't too bad for kids not even in the Academy yet, but even so. In the same period of time, one of her children excelled to the rank of ANBU! On his own! What did that say about their 'flawless training schedule'?

She still couldn't believe it. Any of it. Naruto had graduated the academy at the age of nine. He didn't even stay a full year! Then, he became chunin at ten and ANBU a few months later! It filled her with so many mixed emotions that she didn't know what it was she was supposed to feel. Was she supposed to feel happy for him, or sad he never told them? Prideful that her son was such a prodigy, or disappointed that he didn't need them?

There were just too many possibilities that jumbled together and too many unexplainable variables that threw her for a loop. Mainly Naruto's attitude towards the whole ordeal. His nonchalant manner as if it didn't happen. If he had been angry with them, or spiteful then she'd know exactly how to feel. She'd understand her feeling of self-hatred, but she didn't know how to feel about blatant disregard. She could not process this seamless forgiveness he held for them. All it did was hurt more than it would have had he called them out on it or ignored them altogether.

When she had gotten home from Ichiraku's, the first thing she did was go up to his room. There was nothing left within it sans a dusty note on his bed. The date it was written is what broke her heart more than the content itself. It was August 21st, Naruto's birthday.

The note had explained his reasoning for moving out, highlighting points such as him turning ten and being an active ninja, therefore making him an adult. Then it talked about not wanting to disturb anybody when he came home late from a mission, him taking up space, or using utilities for free when he now had an income to assist in paying. Confusing her as he said, 'I read in a book that in a well-functioning house hold, all occupants should pay a portion of the bills as is proper etiquette.' It didn't make sense to her that he wouldn't bring the matter up with them before making such a brash decision.

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