03. Chapter three

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' COWARDLY . . . '
──a one piece fanfiction
created / edited

ooo. despite the fact i didn't exactly want to accompany luffy who was planning on following after ace, who i don't like- but i knew that if i stayed, i would be forced to work so mych that my hands are all rough and my fingers are prunny, so despite my distaste for the boy, i decided that i would join luffy instead of staying here and working, making my hands all rough would make it where it would be hard to find someone to marry.

"Hey ace! You going somewhere fun today?! Take us! I know we were gone for a while, but we still wanna be friends!" Luffy shouts and i place my hands and huff at the sound of me and ace becoming friends, after all- i was still pissed off how ace nearly murdered me and even luffy.

Ace turns to face us before running off, and luffy grabs me by my wrist as we run, "Wait!" Luffy shouts as we run after ace well- luffy more so, i was just being dragged since i didn't like the scary forest where i could get killed any time soon. Plus i don't really like Ace.

"Boss! Their running after ace again!" A bandit named dogra, shouts, "HEY! Hey back here-! You still have chores to do!" Dadan shouts, and i tense, and look behind me, but i frown a bit. "Nyah! We're outta here!" Luffy teases as he sticks his tongue out and i snicker a bit as i cover my mouth. We then go back to running, "IM GONNA WRING YOUR ROTTEN NECKS, YA' TWERPS!" Dadan shouts, and i flinch as i feel a bit less confident... but- i keep on running with luffy, who let go of my wrist.

"Easy, easy" the roster bandit says, "YOU SHUT YA YAPPERS AND GO BRING THEM BACK!" Dadan orders and i sweat, yet despite my fear, i still run next to luffy. "Yes ma'am..." the man says, instantly folding. ( not that kind )

ooo. we eventually catch up to ace, to which i frown a bit. "Hey!" Luffy shouts, and ace begins running more, i gain a irk mark, 'i swear if he tries killing me again... i'll come back from the afterlife and kill him myself!!' I frown greatly, and ace tries to shake us off, but its no use because me and luffy continue to be chasing him, and as ace speeds up- i speed up as well, barely a inch behind him, "GET OVER HERE!! IM NOT GOING BACK SO JUST LET US COME WITH!" I shout with shark teeth and a irk, yet he just frowns as his sound has a but of annoyance to it, ace continues to run as fast as he can.

  Ace starts jumping on the rocks, and before i go crashing into the water, i stop, just barely fast enough that i was just at its edge, i then quickly back away in order to not accidentally fall in, luffy then comes next to me. "Come on! We wanna be friends with you!" Luffy says, and i just barely frown at bit at the sound of me and ace becoming friends, luffy goes to jump on... wait- THOSE ARE CROCODILES!!

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