05. Chapter five

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' COWARDLY . . . '
──a one piece fanfiction
created / edited

  ooo. out in the forest, ace and luffy were in a duel, while i was doing my hair, making my hair in two pigtail braids, like a pretty girl i once saw back at my old home had done to her hair, she worked at the bakery and although she knew she would get in trouble, she would sneak me some bread when i didn't have much money with me, so i decided to do my hair ever since, though i had to sneakly steal dadan's unused hair-ties.

  Luffy runs with his fist ready to punch ace who simply looks bored, "here i go! Gum-gum... and pistol!" Luffy shouts as he sends a fast and streched punch but over shoots it and ends up punching his cheek instead making me sweatdrop. "Would you pull it together already? Why do all your moves suck huh?" Ace says as he kicks luffy in the face, winning. "One point for ace." Sabo says, and then ace and sabo go head to head And they both put up a good fight, but alas- its a win for ace. Meaning that... shoot...

  As i get up to go up against ace who smirks, and as sabo says match... i immediately start running away from ace as he tries and hits me, "KYA!!" I scream as I jump and run faster away from ace making him annoyed, "JUST LET ME HIT YOU!!" Ace shouts, "EEK!! NO WAY!!" I shout as tears threaten to fall, and I keep dodging and weaving, making ace gain a irk mark, "STOP RUNNING GOD DAMN IT!!" He shouts as he gets in front of me before hitting me across the head, causing me to fall on the ground, to which i clutch. Ace smirks, "That makes it three for me." He says pridefully to which i gain a irk at, i get up and plop back on my spot.

  "Sabo! You and me- let's do this!" Luffy shouts, and the two of them engage in combat, as sabo runs to sabo he says, "last chance to turn back! This is gonna hurt ya'know!" Sabo warns, and i mearly watch, while sabo's warning gets shoved off as luffy chuckles, "Gum-gum shield!" Luffy says his attack, "not this again." Sabo comments, and luffy stretches his fingers, "here it goes!" Luffy says, "what? Does he think i'm gonna just run into him?" Sabo says as he stops and pulls luffy's fingers, "No! Thats cheating!" Luffy shout and i just snicker a bit, "i don't think it is luffy." I snicker as sabo releases luffy's singers that results in luffy being sent flying back.

  And he even rolls up a tree, i sweat a bit as luffy falls, and i sigh and shake my head. Ace sighs as well, "just give it up on the rubber crap, or at least learn how to fight like a normal person first." Ace comments, and i just listen along. "No way! I was so close! Ko' fight me next!!" Luffy shouts and i gain a irk mark, "STOP CALLING ME... KO!!" I shout as i get up and give luffy a harsh upper cut, sending him flying back, i Huff and place my arms on my hips, "See? Even the crybaby can do better than you." Ace comments, and i give ace a glare at the crybaby name even if he's not wrong about it. "Come on! Just one more try!!" Luffy shouts, not giving up to which i just deadpan at.

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