10. Chapter ten

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' COWARDLY . . . '
──a one piece fanfiction
created / edited

authors note ;
ooo. here comes the sabo's 'death' 🥲

ooo. it was rainy and windy, and i was next to sabo as i use him as a well... a shield in case anything happens, "Hold on tight! The storms starting to pick up!" Ace shouts, "It better be! I'm bored!" Sabo shouts and i gain a irk mark, "YOUR BORED?! IF I DIE, IT'S ON YOU SABO!" I bark as i gain a irk mark while tensed up as well as sweating- hey, i was still scared

"HEY! GUYS! IT KEEPS GETTING WINDIER AND WINDIER!" Luffy shouts from outside to which i shriek, "LUFFY!! GET DOWN FROM THERE YOU MORON!" I shout in worry of him as my arms shot up to the air

"LUFFY! YOU BETTER NOT LET GO OF THAT FLAG!!" Ace shouts, and my jaw drops as i give them a look as if they were crazy look, "REAL PIRATES CANT LET A WIMPY STORM BLOW THEIR FLAG GET AWAY!" Sabo shouts and i gain another look of disbelief

  "GOT IT!" Luffy shouts back, "COME ON STUPID STORM!" Luffy shouts and i pale, "YOU GOTTA DO BETTER THAN THAT!!" Ace shouts and i shreak as i cup my cheeks from shock and my face begins to pale a some tears appear at the corner of my eyes, "YEAH! COME ON, BRING IT!" Sabo says, "STOP ANGERING THE STORM!!" I shriek as i tug my pig tails, and it began to get more windy, i look to see luffy frailing around from the wind and i feel my soul disappear from my body as my mouth twitches as it was dropped

"Crap! Luffy!" Sabo and ace shout as i sit on my knees as some tears fall from this, "goodbye luffy... you were a good brother..." i say darkly as i gain dark lines showcasing my downbeat thoughts of luffy's death. "Are you okay?!" Ace asks luffy with his brows pulled forward, "Do i look okay to you?!" Luffy shouts and i get up as they laugh- i then hit the boys harshly on their heads, "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" They shout and i gain a irk mark, "BECAUSE YOU JUST HAD TO TEMPT THE STORM WITN YOUR IDIOCY!!" I irk as i grab luffy and help pull him up, "now... DONT TEMPT THE STORM OR I WILL PERSONALLY SHOVE YOU OFF OUR HIDEOUT!" I rage as i gain more veins.

ooo. the storm had finished up, and i was munching on some blackberries i managed to ask from dadan who actually gave me them, but who am i to complain? Afterall, the time i've been here, i've gotten a larger hunger, which i wasnt up against since it is a bit more able for me to get something to eat if i were brave like those three morons.

"We didn't get blown away or nothing! That was cool!" Luffy shouts with a laugh and i gain a irk mark, 'see if i go and to help save your butt next time' I glare at him as i munch on the berries, "yeah, but too bad we gotta build a new hideout though." Sabo adds on and i groan in annoyance at the this.

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