16. Chapter sixteen

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' COWARDLY . . . '
──a one piece fanfiction
created / edited

author's note ;
ooo. thank you for the reads

ooo. as karoo and i finially make our way to the palace- i hop off as i guards pull out their swords and i freeze up as i sweat fearfully, "who are you! And- wait, Karoo- Is that you?!" The guards say in relization as i hide behind the duck, "P-princess vivi sent karoo, and i came along with him! I bring no harm!!" I shiver, and karoo nods his head as i hold my hands up.

The guards narrow their looks but seeing karoo defend me, they relax, "Come with us." They say and i sigh but continue to sweat thinking they might just execute me if they think i'm lying or something like that. I get led in a room that i assume is vivi's, and then i freeze as i sweat at the sight of the king entering as karoo drinks his water with tears.

"Y-your majesty, i have a letter from vivi!" I stutter as i pale in worry as i shakily hold out the letter that vivi wrote, and the king takes it as he reads it- he begins to sweat as he grits his teeth- his sound showing some worry in it.

Then- two people burst in and i squeak as i crouch behind the duck, my head peaking out as i pale a bit.

"We heard your majesty, who sent that letter?!" One asks, I continue to sweat, the king then hands the letter to the two guys, "there's no mistaking it.. its really is my vivi's handwriting... that girl is saying the truth." The king says as he trembles, the two men look over at me and i tremble as i sweat, "y-yeah, i wouldnt lie... but she's safe right now! I hope..." i sweat as i form a image of luffy who almost got me made into a dinner for squirrels... but thats a story for another time.

The one in white sits on his knees as he reads the letter. "So your majesty, it means..." the one in green says and the one in white gets up. "Karoo and that girl brought news from vivi- what does it say?" The one in white questions the king and i just sweat as i feel a bit weary.

"It's crocodile... i stupidity thought he was loyal to the world government. I never even wondered if he was behind all this. How could he be dead?..." the king says in disbelief and i sweat as i hear that name, 'crocodile, he's a warlord, which means he must be crazy strong!! And warlords hunt pirates, i'll die- definitely!! There's no way i could survive if he's behind this!!' I sweat as i tremble.

The man in white falls to his knees yet again, "he died as he wouldve wanted, protecting princess vivi and alabasta." The man in white says, and the king clutches the paper as he sweats. "Vivi's letter mentions you two fought very valiantly." The one in green says to me and i sweat, "i really didn't do too much...." I sweat as i have a strained smile as i sweat.

The man then looks at karoo's seemingly bandaged arm that i learned was some way to secure their safety- since apparently someone had devil fruit abilities that gave him the ability to look like anyone- which makes me even more fearful of that organization that is behind what is going on in alabasta- which makes me pale from the idea.

"Karoo- it looks like you've been hurt. Let me see-" the man goes to check the bandage but karoo slaps his majesty's hand away and i sweat at the ducks reaction.

The man raises a brow and i sweat as i shrug from the ducks reaction. The man hums, and the king rushes to the window, "we know the enemies identity- prepare the shoulders to move out. Vivi's courage and igaram's sacrifice won't be in vain. We're going to take action now, head to the rain base and crocodile" The king says and i sweat.

"Y-your majesty, is that really a good idea?" I ask, but at the sound of the kings heartbeat and emotions- i immediately fold ( not that kid of fold ) and pale, "n-never mind. Please don't kill me..." i whisper at the end with some tears bubble down my face as my eyes slump.

"Your highness, please do not be so hasty your majesty. Rain base is far away and there are many preparations to be made." The one in white pleads, "What's more is crocodile has many of the citizens on his side. Even more than you do, with all do respect." The one in green adds on, and i stay silent as i listen, "if we send forces to rain base now your majesty, the rebels will use our absence to attack, and will take the palace easily! In which case-" the one in white goes to reason.

"It doesn't matter if the rebel army destroys this palace completely, it is only a building. I've told you before, a country is its people. Even if our royal army does fall in the end, if we can just defeat-" before the king continues, i interupt, "I'm sorry but defeating crocodile... if it means defeating him, would you be willing to sacrifice your army? They might serve you but they are also your people.. i know i dont have the same liberties as you but even then... will you let your army die from the rebels and crocodile? And what about the people that will get caught in the crossfire... are you willing to let those people die as well?" I question as i frown.

The king looks caught off guard from my question as he swallows hard. "If you battle the rebel army instead... then crocodile will be the victor... do you understand- your majesty?" I swallow as i chew the inside of my cheek, the three men look at me with a bit of shock.

"I see... for right now- we need to take out crocodile... so even if there will be many casualties, we must accept that and battle onward. Chaka- we need to hold a war council, assemble the officers, pel- scout ahead and conduct reconnaissance." The king says and i sweat.

'He didn't listen to what i said... did he...' I frown a bit, pel as the one i assume to be the one in white- nods. While the one in green sweats. "We head to battle tomorrow morning." The king says, and the two men bow. "All soldiers are to leave for rain base." The king says darkly and the two men leave- the king looks over at me and i tense as i sweat.

"You... you can stay in this room for now. Thank you, agatsuma" he says as he bows his head, and i sweat as i nod. "Oh it's no problem, you really don't need to bow." He raises his head.

I sweat as the king leaves and i let out a breath of relief.

One piece extra's ;
ooo. zenko is very much intimidated by the king, but she also doesn't want innocent civilians to be caught up in the crossfire- including the guards.

1243 words

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