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I woke up in Antonio's room

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I woke up in Antonio's room. He was next to me with his back against the headboard and he was playing with my hair while looking down at his phone. I tried to sit up but he noticed and pushed me back down gently.

"Amore, no lay back down" I laid back down and turned my head to look at him

"What happened?"

He looked really worried before answering "You passed out, im guessing it's because you didn't eat, so I took you home and called my private doctor"

Just then a middle aged guy walked in, he was tall but not taller than Antonio, brown hair, and brown eyes. "Ah Rory glad to see you're awake, I gave you some fluids but you really should eat something" I nodded before looking at Antonio. "Rory this is Mr. Lyle a good family friend of mine"

"Lei è bella" He said something in italian that I couldn't understand at all. The Antonio responded. "Sì, lei è bella" he said quietly but we both heard. "Rebecca would just love her I know it, i'll go get her" Mr. Lyle responded before leaving the room.
(She is pretty)
(Yes, she is pretty)

I looked up at Antonio confused "Mrs.Lyle, his wife, don't worry she'll love you" I sat up and nodded at Antonio before a women, same age as Mr. Lyle, brown hair, and blue eyes, walked in.

She immediately ran up and hugged me which I was a little surprised from but I hugged her back. She pulled back a minute later with a huge smile on her face. "Oh my, she's gorgeous. Antonio talks about you all the time"

I blushed a little before looking back at Antonio. "You talk about me"

He chuckled, "Maybe a little" he said before turning his attention back to Mr. Lyle. "She's okay right? Just needs to eat?" Antonio asked him

He nodded "Yes" He turned his attention to me, "I know you may not want to talk about it but you need to work on your eating habits, you are majorly underweight and it's not healthy, do you have anyone to call, mom or your dad maybe"

I visibly tensed before answering, "My mom died a while ago, and m-my dad is on a b- business trip so I can't contact him right now" Best lie I could come up with.

Antonio grabbed my hand making me look up at him. "I'll help you don't worry my love" He kissed me on the forehead and looked at Mrs. Lyle "What?" his voice got deeper when he asked so I looked at Mrs. Lyle who had a huge grin on her face.

"Oh nothing, Alessandro let's get out of here, let the kids talk" They left a second later and Antonio chuckled.

I looked up at him "What's so funny"

He looked down at me, "Nothing amore, anyways i'm going to help you get better, I think it's best" I nodded before looking at his arms and starting to trace his tattoos.

"Come on, let's go get you something to eat, what do you want?"

I shrugged, not wanting to eat anything.

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