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"Yes, my love?"

"Can you pick up Ali from daycare, Dante won't stop crying!" And by Dante she means our child not my best friend. Although it's accurate.

"Yeah sure!" I yelled back and grabbed my car keys to head to the daycare.

Me and Rory have 2 children, Ali Aurora Crane our 3 year old and Dante Antonio Crane our 1 year old. Dante was of course so happy when we decided to name our kid after him but sometimes it get confusing so we just call him Uncle Dan when he comes over.

I got to Ali's daycare and walked inside. Ali saw me immediately and ran up to me hugging my leg until I picked her up.

"Daddy!" She screamed

"Inside voice please" I told her and she nodded and wrapped her arms around my neck.

I signed all the papers I needed so I could leave with her and got out of the daycare.

"I wanna see mommy!" She pouted and I laughed before putting her in her car seat and strapping her in.

"We will, only a 10 minute drive home. I want to get mommy something first, will you help me?" I asked and she nodded eagerly.

I drove to a flower shop and got Ali out of the car. I went inside while holding Ali on my hip.

"What flowers do you think mommy would like?" I asked her and she pointed at the roses.

I grabbed a bouquet of them and payed for them before leaving. I placed Ali back in her car seat and we finally got home a few minutes later.

"Mommy!" Ali shouted and I put her down so she could run to Rory. Dante was in the high chair eating cut up strawberries. I went over to him and kissed his head making him giggle and hit his hands on the tray.

I laughed and Rory had put Ali down on the counter and was playing with her. I went up behind Rory and wrapped one arm that wasn't holding the flowers around her waist.

She turned around in my arms and I immediately kissed her. She gasped when I squeezed her hip allowing me to slide my tongue over hers.

"EW PDA!" Ali yelled making us pull back and laugh.

"Uncle Dan teach you that?" Rory asked.

Ali nodded and smiled with the big bright smile of hers.

"I got you flowers" I said as I handed them to Rory.

She smiled and stood up on her toes to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you Antonio"

"I love you too, Rory"
this is officially the end of this story, i really hope you guys enjoyed it and i love you all so much thank you for reading this story and this is my first story but i will be starting another soon and i will post about it on here so you guys can find it. I LOVE YOU GUYS SM THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT- shay

(i love this imma cry cause this is fully edited now, thank you all for reading my story i love you all so much- future shay)

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