Chapter 1

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The clanging of metal and the blaring alarm became the only sounds that flooded her ears. The box flying up the tunnel at a speed she didn't feel was normal, she gripped onto the boxes surrounding her, scared of what would happen next. As her thoughts began to drown out the noise, her heart rate sped to an alarming rate; her breathing became heavier. Where am i? How did I get here? Who am i?

As a sharp squeal attacks her ear drums, the box thuds stopping completely. The force of it pushing her backwards, making her back hit the bottom of the cage, causing her to let out a grunt of pain. Seriously, where the hell am i? As soon as she began spiralling into her thoughts, the now familiar sound of metal filled her ears. A bright white light appeared above the box, quickly she raised her hand to cover her eyes from.. Was it sunlight? feeling the box jolt, she squints her eyes to see a blonde boy leaning over her, "it's a girl." His British accent prominent, he sounds surprised, why is that surprising?

As her eyes slowly adjust to the brightness she looks up to see about 20 boys looming over her. Their voices overpower all other noise "a girl?" "is she pretty?" "dibs" douche bag. The blonde boy next to her quietens them down before turning back to her "my name is newt, ignore them they're all dumb shanks" shanks? What the hell is a shank? Newt interrupted her next thoughts "do you remember your name? Matter of fact, do you remember anything?" she nervously shaked her head 'no' still trying to understand what was happening.

"Well then, let's get you out of here, shall we?" She stands up ignoring the shake in her legs, with the aid of the blonde boy, she is out of the box. This is when she raises her head looking around in pure astonishment. She looks around confirming that she is in fact trapped in a giant stone box. "What the hell?" she mutters to herself. Once again she feels her breathing pick up until she hears a voice behind her "im guessing you're the new greenie, and a girl too.. Now that is new." "I'm Alby" her eyes scanned the man, his eyes looked tired, kind... but tired. "I don't remember my name" she says, just focusing on not messing up her words.

"Don't worry your name should come back in a day or two, it's the only thing they let us remember'' he looked almost... angry? She wasn't a dumb girl, she could piece a few things together and guessing by the way she arrived the only thing to assume was that people weren't here by choice. Alby continued giving her the tour showing her the important areas, the deadheads, homestead, workplaces and lots more. The boy with blonde hair from earlier approaches, newt was his name. She stays silent as Newt talks to Alby, the idea of interrupting a conversation just wasn't the way she was. As they whisper about something, she took her second opportunity to look around the place, 'the glade' Alby called it. It seemed almost peaceful to her. "We think you should have a room in the homestead" the voice breaks her out of her thoughts. "I thought the homestead was only for keepers?" she questioned trying her best to remember all Alby had told her earlier correctly.

"Well yes but since you're the only girl we thought it would be a good idea" Newt takes over talking, her eyebrows furrowed "you don't trust the boys here?". "we're not sure, they've never seen a girl before well, that they can remember" Newt gives her a small, reassuring smile; she nods and returns the smile "thank you, i get it". As Alby announced the tour was over she was left standing alone unsure on what to do. Right.. What now? God you probably look like such an idiot right now. Once again her overthinking took over, a recurring theme in her life or at least what she can remember of her life so far. Deciding to walk around rather than just stand around, she headed towards the wooded area finding a nice log to sit on and relax. As she sits her thoughts disappear, the peaceful sounds of the glade taking over. The muffled chatter that she just can't make out and the simple whistle of the wind. After a little while, the sound of crunching leaves break her out of her tranquil state. As she flutters her eyes open she sees a boy with chocolate brown hair and matching set of eyes, he wasted no time before introducing himself "i'm Henry" "sorry i can't remember my name" she smiles almost sadly at him, missing a past life she can't even remember. "Oh that's fine, i'll just call you greenie" he smirked, "but seriously don't worry about it, we were all in the same place when we first got here.. Alby actually asked me to come find you" She furrowed her eyebrows, tilting her head almost asking 'why?'. Instantly understanding that she was confused he explained "every time a new greenie- a new person comes up in the box we have a bonfire. Its like the only time Alby lets us relax'' he laughs softly at his own joke. "Got it" she says quietly, "let's go then!" She says with a more confident smile feeling like she could make a good friends with Henry. 

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AN: AAAAH! i have no idea if this is complete rubbish, like i said my first book, its just for a bit of fun and some shifting motivation. Bonfire will be the next chapter! im gonna shameless plug rn.. if you are a shifter/interested in shifting i run a shifting edit account of tiktok! @shiftingedits8 ... i know its a stupid name :]
I know the constant 'she's' and 'hers' are annoying, but she will be getting her name back next chapter!

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