Chapter 3

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It was the next morning, Elle thought about last night the strange comfort she felt, the stars and Gally. Today was the day that Elle had to try out the new jobs, the thought of being a slicer made her feel sick. Deciding to be honest to Alby that's what she told him and surprisingly he let her get away with it, she liked Alby he had been nothing but kind towards the girl. As Alby was telling her what she was doing for the day he mentioned something about a new possible job but realistically they would only need one person to do it. The curiosity was too much so Belle asked almost instantly about it, the only other job she thought sounded appealing was being a cook. The new job was a potter, as in making things out of clay. The idea found Belle agreeing to it before she could think, art was something Belle found an interest in, Newt gave her a small book to write down her thoughts in he said it helped him when he was going through a tough time. As Newt talked about it she could see the sadness in his face and his limp but she didn't comment on it, not wanting to hurt him in any way. Belle truly enjoyed Newt's company and as far as she could tell that was reciprocated. Despite what Newt said about writing feelings Belle found herself drawing them instead.

Alby showed her where she would be working from now on, a little wooden pottery wheel sat surrounded by a few things which she could only assume were clay. Belle could feel her giddiness building up already but she was trying to hide it. She was just glad she didn't have to go through the process of trying out different jobs. Before she could stop herself she brought Alby into a hug, she was a hugger. Alby patted the top of her head unsure of what to do with the affection, he was developing a soft spot for the quiet blonde girl, although if anyone called him out on it he would deny it. "Thank you" belle said profusely as she sat at her new pottery wheel, she got out some clay and water and began creating. Finally looking up after a very long time she looked at where her pottery station was right next to the kitchens which she thought made sense seeing as most of creations would be used there. Deciding to take a small break and get a drink of water she approaches the dark skinned boy she observed at the bonfire "hi, sorry um im belle, we haven't met yet but i thought i'd introduce myself" the girl smiled shyly immediately overthinking every word she said, the boy let a big smile cover his face "im frypan, you can call me fry" she was right, he is nice.

"I was also wondering where i could get some water" she said politely "just grab a glass from over there there's a water pipe just outside to the right" he pointed to the glasses as he gave her the directions. "Thank you so much" she grabbed a glass and made her way to the water pipe making sure she went the right way. As Belle turned right that's when it happened she walked into someone, as she began to fall backwards the arm of the boy she knocked into reached out and caught her, winding around her waist. Her eyes squinted shut as she waited for the hard impact of hitting the floor but it never came, she fluttered her eyes open and they latched onto a familiar blue set. Once she snapped out of his eyes Belle began apologising profusely and she didn't stop until the owner of the blue eyes, gally said "Belle shucking hell, stop apologising" "sorry" realising her dumb mistake and the look from gally she pursed her lips and shut up immediately. "Just watch where you're going next time" he said like an angry toddler and stomping off like one too. She smiled to herself, subtly of course not wanting someone to think she was a creep, she knew she would crack the grumpy builder eventually. Getting back on task, she grabbed her glass of water heading back to her pottery wheel; not without saying "hello" to Frypan on the way of course.

Belle was a simple girl, she liked art and her secluded corner where her pottery wheel sat. In the time she practised her new skills, making two simple bowls yet she felt proud of herself for the first time she can remember. Although, by the time she had finished Frypan had rung the dinner bell she rushed out as soon as she was done running only a few minutes late. Once Belle got her dinner she saw Henry and Newt in the crowd and being the only friends she had, well beside frypan, she decided to go over to them. The only thing that caused her walk towards them to falter was seeing some other boy talking with them. She had seen him before. He was an attractive boy with black hair. Belle decided to keep walking towards them but not before taking a deep breath. As she approached she gave a polite smile, not wanting to interrupt the ongoing conversation she sat down quietly beside henry. She picked up her food taking her time eating it. The boy from earlier turned to her and smirked "I'm Minho, and what is your name sweetheart?" The comment from Minho made Newt swat him around the back of the head. Minho rubbed his head cursing "Belle" She responded simply giving Minho a small smile. As Minho was about to send another perfectly flirty yet sarcastic pick up line her way he received glares from both Henry and Newt, instead simply he just responded "pretty name". She said quietly "thank you" taking compliments was something that seemed hard for Belle. What was the correct response? Do you compliment them back? If you compliment them back do they think you're just doing it because they complimented you first? The whole thing sent Belle into a spiral so she decided to settle for a simple 'thank you' and warm smile.

Belle had actually contributed quite a lot to the ongoing conversation feeling comfortable in the company of her newfound friends. She thought about her next pottery creation, her mind swirling with new possibilities. As she thought once again she had done it, she didn't know how and she especially didn't know why. She had been staring, staring at Gally.. Again. Of course this was not her intention, on the other night she was curious about him and he was pretty. She decided to ignore the last thing she thought and hope that Gally hadn't caught her gaze. "Stop eyeing Gally like he's a snack, you shucking weirdo." Belle widened her eyes, snapping her head around to whoever said that and her eyes falling upon Henry, he shrugged almost as if to say 'you know i'm not lying'. Also what the hell was 'shuck' and what the hell did it mean? "The shuck? I do not do that, I don't know what you're talking about." Belle quickly jumped to her own defence only receiving an unconvinced nod in return. She felt as if she was having deja vu, maybe staring at Gally wasn't the way to get him to like her. It's not as if she meant to stare but she would just zone out daydreaming as per usual and Gally would just get in the way of the direction of her eyes, well that's at least what Belle told herself.

Going to bed seemed like what she needed right now so that is exactly what she did, She excused herself from her friends actually going straight to the homestead this time. Belle entered her room and swiftly laid down not to go to sleep just yet her eyes remained fixated on the ceiling as she thought things over.

1350 words

AN: I don't really like this chapter. do people actually like what I've written so far and i'd prefer you to be brutally honest. There is like a major storm going on where i live so this took ages to write, i just kept staring out of the window.

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