Chapter 2

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As she and Henry took off towards the warm glow coming from the centre of the glade, they were there in no time. It seemed they both had the power to be like the 'mom joggers' you see in american films, they both gossiped as they walked; at an incredible pace. As they approached, Newt popped up beside them "excited for the bonfire, greenie?" He said this with a teasing grin almost already knowing my thoughts about it. Being the new addition was never fun but the idea of the whole glade celebrating her being there made her want to scream, she never liked major social situations preferring to sit back and observe people.

"I think you know the answer to that question" She replied wanting the evening to end so she could go to bed or maybe to the tower to watch the stars, now that sounded perfect. They took a seat around the fire, the heat coming from it making her cheeks flush yet she found herself slightly leaning into it when the cold breeze tries to surround her. I looked around at the people surrounding me trying to see if I recognised any of them. There was a dark skinned boy who always seemed to have a smile on his face. From her observing she assessed he looked kind, and she wanted to try and approach him at some point. There was only one problem with that, she had no idea how to approach people. What do you say? How do you even start a conversation? Without realising it she had become distracted by her thoughts and was staring at someone in the crowd without even realising it. The stranger she was staring at was handsome that's for sure, he was at least 6 '0 he towered over everyone as he stood talking to some other boys she didn't recognise either. He had short blonde hair and pretty blue eyes that followed some people around the gathering until they landed on her and once he locked his eyes they stayed there.

As Henry's loud voice cut her out of her trance she quickly realised that she was staring and flushed looking back towards her small group. As the evening got later, the celebration died down a bit and everyone sat around the fire inching closer as the night air grew colder. As she nodded and listened as Newt and Henry talked, she found comfort in the fast friends she had made. Gally and his other friends had drawn close by now and had taken a seat only a couple people down from her. She looked over only to see and hear him laugh at something one of his friends had said, she didn't think she'd ever seen him laugh before and it was something that made her heart feel weird and tingly.

As she thought about the events of the day trying to remember her life before this; before the maze. It felt like putting the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle, something in her mind just... clicked. Her name. Her name was belle. "My name is Belle" Belle spoke for the loudest Newt and Henry had ever heard her. They both replied immediately, happy that they could call her something other than greenie, "nice to meet you Belle" "oh bloody hell, now i have to come up with a nickname.. Elle?". Belle's smile only grew when she heard her friends replies "I like Elle". She kept sneaking glances at the well-built blonde finding herself weirdly entranced; wanting to know him. The whispering voice of Newt made her jump "why are you staring at gally?" her brows furrowed in confusion, she tilts her head "gally?" "yeah the blonde guy over there you won't stop staring at" He laughs softly at Belle's reaction "i am not staring". He chuckled "sure, whatever you want to believe but trust me Gally's certainly not the best idea". She playfully rolls her eyes and truly realises how often she had truly had been staring, and just how creepy the handsome blonde must have found her.

"I think I'm going to head to bed," Belle nervously announced, pointing behind her in the direction of the homestead. The truth was Belle was not going to the homestead, she was heading to the tower so she could watch the stars but did they need to know that? No, they didn't; it's not like Belle didn't enjoy her new friend's company,in fact she really enjoyed it, it's just that she wanted a bit of silence. Newt was the first to respond "good night Elle" he said it with a small smile and Henry quickly afterwards said "oh! Good night belle!". Belle gave a small smile and shy wave as she began walking in the direction of the homestead, though she felt someone's eyes on her. Looking over her shoulder, she found her eyes connecting with the boy that captured her attention all evening, 'Gally', well that was what Newt referred to him as. Knowing his love for nicknames Belle couldn't be sure.

Once Belle knew she was out of sight she made a turn, changing her direction and heading for the tower instead. Belle didn't remember why she loved the stars but she could practically hear them calling to her so she decided to trust her senses. Her hands reached forward grabbing onto the ladder and she began climbing, reaching the top the breeze was nice; not too cold. She pulled her knees to her chest resting her head on top of them as she gazed at the stars up through her eyelashes. So distracted by the stars, she didn't hear the ladder creek as someone climbed up. "This isn't the homestead" the voice made her jump, her head snapping around and her hand reaching to cover her heart. Belle's eyes fell on the handsome stranger from the bonfire, she replied "i know, i wanted to watch the stars. Why are you here?". The boy approached silently sitting beside her, "I don't trust you". This response caused the girl to frown, pinching her eyebrows to think about what she could have done wrong, he clarifies "you're the first girl here, ever. That's a change and change is never good". "I disagree" Belle says softly before she can stop it, she looks over at him to see him tilt his head slightly so she elaborates "Alby gave me the tour, he told me it hadn't always been this peaceful you had to learn and adapt and that is change." He raised his brows ever so slightly and furrowed them as he thought about what Belle had said.

"I still don't trust you" Belle couldn't help but chuckle softly at his response, she had a feeling he'd never admit defeat, and one day that could be the problem. "I'm Belle, you?" "Gally'' Belle smiled softly as she glanced over at Gally and the way the moonlight lit up his features before quickly turning her gaze back onto the stars. They twinkled and she swore she could make out some shapes, Belle came to the conclusion that her senses were right. They let the silence envelop them but it wasn't uncomfortable, in fact it was oddly comforting. Though they had only known each other for a short amount of time, Belle already could tell that it was going to become a personal mission for her to make him like her. 

1242 words

AN: Hi! How is everyone?

Whats your favourite maze runner movie? (mine is the first one, its just so comforting)

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