School, School, Go Away

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Yes. I made another fanfic. Why? Well, Jornoth! And, Roseblings! And, Season 1! So there's your answer.

Fwhip's POV------Mon, Aug. 25th 10:00 am

"Gemini Tay. Poor Gemini Tay." I said to her as she looked through the tube thingy at some purple magic she whipped up. "Fwhip, if you don't mind, I'm trying to do something productive. Which I can understand is a thing your brain is too tiny to compensate." She answered, not looking my way. "Compen-what now?" I asked. She looked up and smirked at me. "Exactly." She scoffed, rolling her eyes. I ignored her and stared at her tube. "What is that?" I asked, pretending to be interested.

She looked up once more. "Fwhip, the only thing you need to know is that you shouldn't touch it." She snarled. I glared at her. "Gem, It's the last five days of summer break! Come on! Relax a little! The only thing you've done all summer is work on spells!" I urged. Gem looked annoyed. "Don't you have something to go and blow up?" She asked sarcastically.

"Yeah. The school. And maybe your little magic lab while I'm at it." I answered. She glared at me. "Don't even joke." She snapped. I ignored the brat and walked out to the door. "I just had to get the most boring girl in the world as my sister!" I yelled, slamming the door shut before she could answer.

I brought out my phone, and began scrolling through any missed notifications I somehow had, before it started dinging. Very loudly I might add. "Hello?" I asked groggily. "Hola amgio! es to mejor amigo!" "I dunno. I think Grian's my best friend." I answered. "*Gasp* How very dare you Count Fwhip of House Grimland!" I smirked. I think he could feel it.

"How are you, amigo?" Sausage asked. "I'm doing fine. Gem is working and being a total buzzkill as usual." I answered. "Aww, Fwhip! I'm sure Gem is just a little bit sour because of that explosion you set off in her shoe closet." Sausage suggested. "Hey! It wasn't my fault her closet happened to be in the exact same spot I felt like exploding some stuff!" I shrugged. "Anyway, can I come over! I drew some stuff for Gem's wizardry!" He exclaimed.

"Oh, uh sure!" I answered, hanging up the phone. I felt hurt. Why would he want to come over just to see Gem? He usually always comes over for me. Oh well. I guess it wasn't that big of a deal, if he was only coming over for wizardry.

"Ayo Gem! Sausage is coming over for your stupid wizard stuff!" I yelled at her. "Kay!! And it's not stupid!!" She screamed back. Well, Miss Gem, there was never any evidence of it NOT being stupid.

Joey's POV-----Mon, Aug. 25th 10:50 am

I raised my right eye at the TV as Katherine scrolled through Xfinity. She stopped on one of the gray icons and clicked on it with the remote. "What the heck did you just press?" I asked. "I pressed Highschool Empires." Katherine answered. "That's such a basic name." Shrub yawned. Katherine glared at both of us. "You two have no idea what art is." She spat. I rolled my eyes. "Well I'm sorry Leonardo da Vinci but I've never visited the louvre to see your tacky picture of a woman half-smiling." I answered sarcastically.

"Hey! I know plenty of art!" Shrub defended. Katherine rolled her eyes. "Like what??" She asked, "The Mona Lisa, which Joey just so rudely ruined the name of, the Starry Night, The Last Supper, and the Girl with the Pearl Earring!" She answered matter-of-factly. Katherine gawked at her. "The Girl with the Pearl Earring? Shrub you're supposed to say the name of he painting. Not what's in it." She snarked.

"That IS the name!" Shrub grumped. "Sure, sure." Katherine said is a sing-song voice. "Shrub I'm sure all you did was watch those painting on" I sneered. Shrub glared at me defensively. "So what if I did! You have no proof!" She answered, shaking her fist in my face. "AnyWAY," I ignored Shrub, "What's Highschool Empires?" I asked. "Only the best show in the world! I fell in love with the ship, Nature Wives." Katherine swooned. "What's Nature Wives?" Shrub asked curiously. (Yes, I am trying to torture you with the dumbness of Katherine and Shrub)

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