We All Live In Summer Vacation

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Which song is the title based off of? Edit: SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG!

Jimmy's POV------Tues, Aug. 26th 9:40 am

"Lizzie, where did you put the syrup?!" I yelled, scouring the cabinets for the bottle. Joel was currently living with us, as his mum was with his grandparents and she didn't trust him home alone. "I DON'T KNOW JIMMY!! ASK JOEL AND STOP BEING SO LAZY!!!" She screamed back. She was probably upstairs applying her 3rd layer of makeup.

I hate Joel. No joke. Well, maybe kinda a joke. He's nice and all, but he and Lizzie are already planning on getting MARIED, even though they're only in year 10! I'm about to start year 9. I hated year 9 as well. I was constantly getting picked on for no reason. Joel however, is the shortest man in the world. Which is something I'm not lying about.

I will say though, his pancakes are delicious. They're probably the only good thing he knows how to bake. But Lizzie however, her food sucks. She made lasagna, and it tasted like a burnt brick. As well as look, and smell like one too. How annoying.

"Here you are mate." Joel grinned and slid a syrup bottle down the table. "Than---OUCH!" I yelled. I lifted myself up and my head hit the top of the cabinet. "You good?" Joel asked. I grumped. "Yes, Joel, I'm fine. It's none of your concern." I growled. "Jimmy, if you're being rude to Joel I SWE---" "LIZZIE! I'M NOT BEING RUDE. NOW GO BACK TO YOUR CONCEALER WHICH BY THE WAY DOES NOTHING!!!" I screamed back. I heard a faint scoff comeback from Lizzie.

I rolled my eyes and dumped the syrup on my 3 pancakes. "Joel obviously pretended not to notice. Instead he took off his pink apron which copied the words, 'Imma Momma, And Imma Cook!'. I have to say, when I saw that in the clearance sale, I thought only a complete moron would go out and buy it. (Everyone does, Jimmy) But apparently Joel's a moron, because just 2 weeks later, he arrived wearing that cheap hot pink thing, and I doubled over in laughter.

He defended himself, saying that Lizzie bought it for him. But if that was true why was she busy blowing snot bubbles whilst she was asleep? Lizzie came down the stairs, looking like a blinged up Katy Perry. "You look like you just got liposuction." I muffled through a mouth-full of food. "Well I didn't. Which just proved how beautiful I am." She awed, twirling around.

"Great. But I'd recommend an outfit that covers more." I said, pointing to her robe. "Well Jimmy, robes are supposed to make your body feel free." She nodded, taking her 10 pancakes off the stove.

"You eat like a gorilla." I grimaced. "Well Jimmy, if I was a gorilla, I'd be a British one. Because gorilla's eat bananas. Unlike your American gorilla, which eats bananas." She changed her tune of voice in saying the American, banana. I rolled my eyes as I finished off the last pancake. "Anything else, Miss Accent?" I asked. She glared at me. "That's MRS. Accent to you. Joel is my beautiful husband." She said, kissing Joel on the cheek.

I made a fake gagging face. "Oi, eat your breakfast." Joel demanded. "I just did." I snarled, getting up the table, not bothering to put my plate in the sink.

I couldn't wait for Joel's mum to get home.

I pulled out my phone to see 24 missed notifications. All by Grian of course. I was too lazy to talk to him rant about his 13th boyfriend right now, so I just clicked on, 'notified' and turned the phone off. Grian immediately called.

"JIMMY!" He yelled through the phone. "Hi Grian." I muttered, rubbing my temple. "SINCE YOU'RE SO RUDE AS TO NOT ANSWER ME, MEET ME AT THE Pumpkin Spice café at 11:00!" He yelled. "Okay, okay, fine." I muttered. I clicked on the 'hang up' button.

"Oh, Jimmy!!" Lizzie called in a sing-song voice. "What?!" I groaned. "Time for a movie!!" She answered. I reluctantly dragged my butt down the stairs.

"What are we watching?" I asked. She pulled up the CD of Finding Dory. "Finding Dory? Really? Why?" I asked. "Yes. Because we are fish. And because Finding Nemo sucks." Lizzie snarled. "Hey, I like Finding Nemo!!" I defended. "You like it because both yours and Nemo's eggs were cracked." Joel joked. Lizzie laughed, and I glared at him.

The movie started out as, "Hi! I'm Dory! I suffer from short-term me-memory loss." I was already getting bored. "Yes!" "That's exactly what you say!" I yawned. "Imma get some popcorn." I muttered, getting up from my un-comfy position on the couch. "Okay!" Lizzie called back, not looking away from the TV.

I dialed the numbers on the microwave and watched the popcorn twirl around, occasionally hearing popping sounds. I groaned. I was even bored watching popcorn. But then again, everyone is. The microwave finally finished and I put it in a bowl and took it back into the Family Room where Lizzie and Joel were. "Ooh," Lizzie said, reaching her hand out into the bowl. She picked up a handful of popcorn and popped it into her mouth.

The movie went on with occasional popcorn breaks, and the sound of Lizzie and Joel kissing. How disgusting. By the time the movie ended and I grabbed my coat, I was 10 minutes late to meet Grian.

Lizzie's POV------Tues, Aug. 26th 11:15 A.M

"Is Jimmy okay?" I asked Joel as I heard the door slam shut. "He's mad cuz' we're together." Joel muttered. "No, Joel! He's fine that we're together!" I consoled. "No, he's not. He hates me." Joel groaned. I gave him a quick hug. "Then he has to suck it up!" I half-joked. Joel smiled a little bit.

"My brother is NOT allowed to make you feel that way! I don't care how mad he is we're together!" I snarked. Joel smiled at me, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks babe. But for the love of cod, please, put on something other than that robe." He joked. "I will I will!" I said, marching upstairs. I went into my bathroom, finally noticing my Memories Wall. I didn't have many memories. Only a few.

Shubble and Katherine kissing each other in a game of spin the bottle, and they're still denying a relationship, Fwhip and Sausage hugging each other for the first time, with Fwhip looking as red as his hair. Joel asking me out on a date, which is also the photo I covered with red hearts. Gem and Fwhip laughing at my banana joke, and Mum, Me, Dad, and Jimmy at church.

I really wish Dad didn't have his cord pulled. But I guess there was nothing the doctors could do. I almost felt a tear go out of my eye, but I stopped it. "No Lizzie, don't go to the Darkplace." I said to myself. I heard a call coming from my phone. I ran to my bedroom. It was Lauren. She was the oldest person I knew, and she was going into year 11.

"Hi Lauren!" I said. "Hey Lizzie! Fonos, chapter 4 dropped and I was wondering if you wanted to watch it with me!" Lauren asked happily. "Ooh, okay! Just let me put on some clothes!" I answered, clicking 'hang up'. I stared at my closet. There was absolutely nothing to wear. I had the dumbest clothing patterns. I started mixing them up. At last I decided on the white shirt with the cool fringe, and the long, ripped skinny jeans. I also grabbed my jacket.

"Hey Joel! Bye Joel!" I called out, beginning to leave the house. "Babe! Where are you going?" He asked me. "Oh! Fonos, chapter 4 just came out on Netflix and Lauren invited me to watch it with her!" I answered. "Can I come?" Joel asked.

"I guess, but we won't have any time for lovey-dovey stuff." I joked. "That's fine. As long as I'm with you I've got a smile on my face." He sung. "Joel, you know I hate that song!" I groaned. "I know. All the more to persuade you." He smiled. "Okay! Of course you can come!" I answered, kissing him. We then left the house together.

I would have done more~BUT I BE LAZY! Now follow aaehikira and FurryFundy or things won't end very well for you. 😁

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