Chapter 19

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After warming the milk nani poured it into a class, taking sleeping pill she put into the milk and mixed well.

Sanskaar  came inside the room seeing her mixing the milk with the spoon.

Sighing he slowly made his way to her, while she slumped down on the chair.

"Darling, are you ok ?"  He asked sleeping his hand on her shoulder.

" I'm and I should be fine right ?  I don't have any option other than doing this.  But it's just I.... " she sighed. 

" Sanskar  can you pls give her this milk. I'm afraid I can't control myself infront of her. " she said after a pause.

Agreeing sanskaar took the glass of milk and made his way to Swara's room.

Slowly opening the door he entered inside only to see her staring straight at him. Smiling He came inside closing the door behind.

" what?   Are you going to eat me alive with your stare?"  Sanskar asked keeping the glass on the table and sat facing her.

" are you going to say something ?" He again asked.

" what am I supposed to say when you know everything about me and dare you pity me sanu , I will kill you . She said glaring him .

" oh hello hold on my tigress. Why should I pity you. You just know how many times you have and thts a plus point right you can actually live your life planning all sort of things to do and just do that blindly. While we just don't know anything how , when and where and thinks like we will not die. In all these actually forget to live.  So it's my chikoo pathetic than you. So if you are thinking like now sanu know all things so he will go easy on me and all then sorry to burst your bubble my dear aru nothing changed. I will irritate to much more,I will play pranks very often and more." He said

Hearing him she hugged him tightly.  He too hugged her. They both stayed like that for a little long time.

" ok so now what next ?" He asked breaking the hug to which she raised her eyebrows asking what?

" you know right. What I'm trying to say. Look I know you saw your dad and heard all the things too. In fact you even know this milk has sleeping pills so that after you slept your dad can actually take you with him. So what do you really want aru ?"He asked cupping her face.

" I don't know.  It's not like that I gave up on my life.  But the time I spent with my dad was nothing but a nightmare. It was good when my mom was with me. When I came to know about my condition,  I tried even way for any miracle even though the life inside the mansion was not good. But when I didn't find anything I just wanted to get out and live like I always dreamed. It's not like I'm not trusting my dad. If he says there is a way to cure me then there is a chance for me. And today when I saw him , I saw a glimpse of my real dad who actually loved me , who was my super hero. I don't know what changed in between that I  lost him too after I lost my mom. And now I'm scared , if I went with him and won the battle with the death ,what if he again changes ? What if it leads to anything worse than death so I just want to live here with you , with nani.... I'm just....." she trailed off.

" it's ok to feel all these. But remember one thing your sanu will not let anything happend to his aru without her wish. And I know my Sherni will fight all the war and emerge as a winner. And about your dad give him a chance , one last chance. I don't knw  how he was before or How was your life with him before. But the man I saw today is a good man. So give yourself a chance. Give him a chance. And here your sanu and nani will he waiting for welcoming the winner.

But like I said if you don't want to go them you will not go and I promise no one can take you from here without your will. But that's doesn't meant your treatment will be stopped. We will do that in our own way and nd i will make sure that I will be with you each and every step.  Now the decision is yours. Do you want to give him a chance, give yourself a chance to be his daughter once more? " He asked her.

After a long pause swara took the glass and drank the milk.

"Aru.... Yeh. .." He asked

" I don't want to see nani's crying face or your sad face when I go from here. So it's better this way. A good sleep. I'm giving a one last chance to me and him. Wait for me sanu... your aru will be back... I want to tell you something very important but that can wait. I will tell you when I will win this battle. " slowly she fell asleep.

Making her lye properly and covering her, he sat beside her caressing her hairs don't know for how much time. Soon he heard the ambulance voice breaking his thoughts.

He looked at swara who is sleeping peacefully clutching his hand. He carefully pulled back his hand and caressed her cheeks. Bending down slowly pecked her forhead lingering for sometime. He stared her face and stood up. A lone tear escaped from his one eye. Wiping the tear ,taking a deep breath he pulled the blanket from her body. Very slowly and carefully he picked her in his arms in bridal style and descended the stairs.

By each passing second his heartbeat was increasing. Various thoughts where passing through his minds. He know she will be back and he believed she too loves him and when she is back then he is damn sure he will not let her go again. But the wait wait is much more painful and the outcome of surgery is scary.

Shaking all the thoughts he came down with her in his arms. Nani cane near them and slowly caressed her hair nad cheeks. Placing a peck on her forhead nani ran from there crying.

Sanskaar slowly placed her on stretcher which was inside the ambulance. Looking for one last time he came outside the vehicle and stood facing back. Soon he heard the engine started  and the vehicle fade away with his life.

The next days were blur,  he completed his work and nd biding bye to nani , taking sanu and aru's  memory he too went back to London hoping to see her again  on the other end.

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