Chapter 16

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" you guys do whatever you want but don't go outside the house, it's already night. You  heard me right shona ?" Grandmom said to both after they reached home specially to swara because she is more prone to go outside at night.

After saying she went to her room wishing both good night while they both noded their head and wished her back. After seeing her going they both looked each other.

" what was that ? " they both asked together looking each other.

" don't know . Strange right suddenly what happend to her ? Usually she will not say anything if I'm out all night then ?"  Swara raised her eyebrows thinking. 

" don't think much. Leave it. May be she is just tired. We did a great Job by acting all crazy so we can't blame her, can we?" . Sanskaar asked to which she noded.

" so what's next ?  Don't tell me to sleep because I don't want to ".  Swara said. 

" I know that. So ..... Let's go we will figure out something " holding her hand both went to do some other crazy things.

In Grandma's  room

She was sitting on a chair  lost in thoughts holding a frame  in her hands. She was clutching the frame tightly to her chest. Tears were falling out from her eyes.

." Why is he here now? I already lost my daughter now I will not let him take my swara too. Hope he didn't see us. No I can't let tht happen. I need to be careful  or else I will loose my only family too... " 
she was thinking in her mind clutching  the frame.

The next days were strange since they noticed grandma  being too much conscious or always lost in thoughts.  She did stop swara from going out too and it is making them worried and also swara a bit angry since she didn't like to  caged in house. They asked her many times but she didn't told nothing. 

Just like other day today too grandma didn't allow her to go out but today she sneaked out without telling even sanskaar too.

Here grandma become worried not seeing her and sanskaar upon knowing that went to search her but before he could go, she came back but she was sad, angry , scared and what not. May be she came to know why grandma was worried. Without saying or glancing at anyone she went inside her room and closed the door.

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