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Jaehan woke up to find the lollipop Yechan had given him still next to him. He put it in his memorial box and got ready to go to school. When he went downstairs, he saw his mom waiting for him.

"Honey, come home early today okay?"
She said.

"But I've practices?"
Jaehan said.

"The thing is you and Yechan have to move into the house today."
She said.

"What? Today? But it's Wednesday? Didn't you all said it's from next week?"
Jaehan was mad and raised his voice to his mom and he immediately realised.
"I'm sorry, I was surprised."
He apologised right away.

"Shin family talked to me and we decided together that it should be done soon. They already arranged the furniture and everything. I'll pack your bags today so come home early okay Jaehanie?"

Jaehan didn't have a choice except agreeing to his mom.
"Okay, I will."
He said.

Just as Jaehan was about to leave the house, his mom called him again.
"Kim Jaehan. I'm not done talking..."

Jaehan knew his mom only talked like that when it was serious.

"You better breakup with that Hangyeom guy today. I gave you enough time for that but you still choose to be with him don't you? You thought that I forgot?"

Jaehan didn't say anything. He just stared at his mom. Her eyes were so scary, he couldn't even make eye contact with her.

"If I ever see or hear that you two are together, it won't be a good ending. I don't care if you love him or whatever, it has to end today. So keep that in your mind. Or else I'm going to do it."

Jaehan couldn't talk. Words didn't come out from his mouth, he just nodded.

Mom called the younger brother.

Taedong came to downstairs. He was also ready to go to school.

"Go to school with your brother today."
Mom said.

"But isn't he going with ha-"
Taedong started to say.

"Don't even mention that name again in this house or near the Shin family. I'm telling to both of you."
She warned and left to her room.

"What happened to her?"
Taedong asked confused.

"I don't know....come let's go."
Jaehan said.

Jaehan quickly texted Hangyeom to go school alone he's going to be late.  Then he ignored the other texts from Hangyeom.

Jaehan and Taedong were quiet at the backseat of the car, both deep in their own thoughts. Jaehan was the first to break the silence.
"You know its after a long time isn't it?'"
He asked to his younger brother.

"Going to school together?"
Taedong asked back with a small smile.


"I'm actually happy to go with hyung." Taedong smiled, but noticed that Jaehan was not in the mood. After few minutes of silence,

"Hyung? What you gonna do?"
He asked, holding Jaehan's hand.

Jaehan sighed.
"I'm so lost...do I really need to do this? What if me and Hangyeom ran away? No I can't do that. I can't hurt mom."

Taedong was filled with sadness.
"Hyung...I feel so sad. I don't want to see you like this. But I can't do anything for you."
He said, his voice trembling.

Jaehan looked at his younger brother's face and felt his heart break. He cupped his brother's face with both his hands and smiled.
"Hey..it's really okay Taedongie. I'll be okay."
He said, trying his best to comfort him.

A Match Made in Misery [Yechan × Jaehan]Where stories live. Discover now