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Jaehan was finding it difficult to pay attention in class. All he could think about was the moment he had shared with Yechan on the bus. It was like a dream, and he could still feel the warmth of their embrace.

Yechan was also struggling to concentrate, his thoughts consumed by Jaehan. He was still replaying the way Jaehan had looked at him with those beautiful eyes, and the way his heart had raced.

Yechan hated himself for it. He was only being nice to Jaehan because his parents had asked him to, but he couldn't help it. He kept stealing glances at the other boy, feeling a strange flutter in his stomach each time he did.

He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts.

What the hell am I doing?

He thought to himself. He knew his feelings were wrong and he had to stop them. But he still couldn't help the way he felt.


Hangyeom was in the classroom, deep in thought about Jaehan. He had been ignoring Hangyeom for a while now, and he saw Jaehan with Yechan at the school gate a few moments ago. Even when he called out, Jaehan ran away, ignoring him.

"Hi Hangyeom! Can I sit with you?" Hangyeom startled and looked up to see Junghoon standing there.

"Oh yeah sure."
Hangyeom smiled.

Junghoon sat beside Hangyeom and noticed his gloominess. 

"You didn't seem to be in a good mood. Is there anything bothering you?"
Junghoon asked in a soft voice. Hangyeom just sighed.

"If you can't te- "

"it's my boyfriend."
Junghoon was cutoff by Hangyeom.

Junghoon was surprised and hurt but he tried to hide his emotions.

"Yeah it's Jaehan. I don't know if you know him or not. He keeps ignoring me I don't know why. He ignoring my calls and texts too. He didn't even say why he's like this. Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt him? I don't know. Today I saw him with your friend Yechan. He was all smiling with him. It hurts so much."


Junghoon was stunned to hear about Yechan. He didn't know how to comfort Hangyeom. He just put his arm around Hangyeom's shoulder and said,

"It's okay. Maybe there is something else going on, and he is just too afraid to tell you. He might have been scared to talk to you. But it's okay, you will figure it out. Maybe you should try talking to him again."

Hangyeom nodded and said,
"Yeah, maybe I should. But I just don't understand why he is being like this."

Junghoon tried to think of something to say, but he couldn't find the right words. So he just said,
"I'm sure you two will be okay."

Hangyeom nodded and thanked Junghoon for his comforting words.

Junghoon then said,
"Come on, let's go get something to eat. It will make you feel better."

Hangyeom smiled and said,
"Yeah, that sounds great."

They both got up and went to the cafeteria. As they were walking, Junghoon kept talking to Hangyeom, trying to cheer him up. Hangyeom was grateful for Junghoon's kindness and support. He felt little better than before.


Jaehan's friends were in shock. Xen was the first to break the silence.
"You marrying who? Shin Yechan?"
He asked incredulously.

A Match Made in Misery [Yechan × Jaehan]Where stories live. Discover now