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Yechan sat in the car, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. He couldn't help but feel worried for Jaehan, who had been missing for hours. Yechan had been driving around with Taedong, Jaehan's younger brother, in search of him. But as the clock struck midnight, they still had no clue where Jaehan could be.

"Taedong...do we have any other place to go? Did you ask his friends?"
Yechan asked, his voice trembling with concern.

Taedong, who had been deep in thought, snapped out of it and looked at Yechan with a worried expression.

"He's not with them. We looked everywhere, but Jaehan hyung is......HEY STOP THE CAR!"
He suddenly shouted, causing Yechan to hit the brakes in shock.

"What? What happened?"
Yechan asked, his heart racing.

"I totally forgot! He must be in his condo!" Taedong exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement.

"Condo? Where?"
Yechan asked, still confused.

'Turn the car, I'll tell you the directions."
Taedong said, his tone urgent.

Yechan did as he was told, and soon, they arrived at Jaehan's condo. The lights were on, indicating that someone was inside. Yechan was about to rush out of the car when Taedong grabbed his hand, stopping him.

"Where do you think you're going?"
Taedong asked, his voice serious.

"To see Jaehan..."
Yechan replied, his voice filled with sadness.

"Ya Shin Yechan! Do you think my hyung will be happy to see you right now?"
Taedong asked, his tone stern.

Yechan stopped for a moment, the reality hitting him. It was his fault that Jaehan had run away, and he knew that Jaehan would be even more upset if he saw him right now. He nodded in agreement and watched as Taedong got out of the car and walked towards the condo, ringing the bell.

Yechan watched anxiously as the door opened after a few minutes, revealing Jaehan standing in the doorway. He couldn't see his face clearly, but it was a relief to know that Jaehan was there. He watched as the door closed after Taedong went inside, and he couldn't help but feel guilty for causing Jaehan so much pain.

Yechan waited anxiously in the car, alone and restless. He kept glancing at his phone, checking the time over and over again. It had been an hour since he had dropped Taedong off at the condo, and he was starting to worry.

Finally, he saw Taedong walking out of the condo and relief washed over him. But as Taedong got into the car, Yechan couldn't help but notice the mix of emotions on his face.

He hesitated for a moment before asking,
"Is he alright? Is he going to come back?"

"I think you should give Jaehan hyung some space."
Taedong said in a serious tone, avoiding eye contact with Yechan.

Yechan was taken aback by Taedong's response. Taedong was so serious. He just nodded silently and started the car, not knowing what else to say.

The car ride was filled with an uncomfortable silence until they reached the Kims' mansion. Taedong broke the silence.

"Can you go alone? It's near 3 AM now."

Yechan nodded and got out of the car. He handed the keys to Taedong and said with a determined look.

"You know what? You are still not late, Shin Yechan. There is still a little hope for you."

Taedong's words brought a small smile to Yechan's face. He was grateful for Taedong's support, even if it was just a small glimmer of hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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