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Yechan sat at the dining table, picking at his breakfast and hoping Jaehan would join him. Jaehan hadn't even joined for dinner the night before, and Yechan was beginning to worry. He pushed away his plate and went upstairs, stopping in front of Jaehan's door. He listened for any sound inside the room, but all he heard was silence. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door.

"Jaehan? It's getting late."

No answer. Yechan knocked again, his voice louder this time.

"Jaehan? Are you okay?"

"You can go alone."
Came Jaehan's voice from inside the room.

Yechan was taken aback.
He asked, surprised. There was no response.

"Okay then whatever."

Letting out a heavy sigh, Yechan went downstairs and grabbed his backpack. He made his way to the bus stop, his mind running wild with thoughts of Jaehan.

Why do I even care about him?

He thought to himself as he got on the bus. But no matter how much he tried to brush the thoughts away, he couldn't help but worry.


The school started but Jaehan was not there.Yechan glanced at the empty seat where Jaehan usually sat, a heavy feeling settling in his chest. Yechan let out a sigh as he absentmindedly twirled a pencil between his fingers.

"You okay?"
Jehyun asked, his voice filled with concern.

Yechan glanced up at him and forced a smile.
"Yeah, I'm just bored."
He replied.

"Jaehan is not answering any calls or texts. What should we do?"
Sebin asked, his voice laced with worry.

"We can't even ask Yechan."
Kevin said, glancing at Yechan's side.

"Hey, let's go and find Taedong. He must know something."
Xen said.

Everyone agreed, and they all left the classroom in search of Jaehan's brother. Surprisingly, they found Taedong in the hallway, walking towards their classroom.

"What? Hyung didn't come to school?" Taedong asked, worry evident in his voice.

"Yeah, he didn't. We thought you'd at least know why."
Hwichan said.

Taedong shook his head.
"Hyung hasn't been answering my calls or texts since yesterday night."
He said.

Everyone exchanged looks of shock. "Really? Same goes for us. He didn't answer ours too."
Sebin said.

"I know who has the answers for this." Taedong said, his expression turning cold.

Xen asked.

Taedong's eyes widened.
"Hyung told you guys?."
He asked.

"Yeah, he told us not to let Yechan know about it. That's why we couldn't ask him."
Kevin explained.

"But I can. I'm really gonna kill Shin Yechan if he did something to my hyung."
Taedong said, fury evident in his voice.

"Or is it because of yesterday?"
Hwichan said.

"Yesterday? What happened yesterday?"
Taedong asked, curiosity in his voice.

"He and Hangyeom broke up..."
Sebin said, his voice barely above a whisper. Everyone was silent for a few moments until Taedong spoke.

"I think I have to talk with Yechan hyung."
He said before turning and running away, leaving the others behind.


A Match Made in Misery [Yechan × Jaehan]Where stories live. Discover now