fears!! 11

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'Good morning' Wei ying send it to wangji at 7 am in morning.. He replied it around 11 am.. Wei ying knows that wangji slept upto after noon.. He didn't have any work in this long vacation so he used to sleep late and ries late.. But Wei ying have all kind of work of his home..

Today is Saturday . Wei ying promised jiang cheang if he behaved well in this week so Wei ying take them ( yanli and jiang cheang) to amusement park.. He wants wangji came with them.

' hey.. Can I ask you something' Wei ying

' umm' wangji.

' are you free tomorrow? ' Wei ying

' yeah.. As always.. ' Wangji

' can I ask you something? ' Wei ying

' um.. ' wangji.

' I promise my brother that I take him amusement park tomorrow.. So will you come with us? ' Wei ying.

' ok'  wangji..

' what? You come with us?  Really' Wei ying

' I already said ok .. ' wangji  ..

Wei ying, ' ok then byee for now.. I have to finish some kind of duties.. '

Wangji, ' see you tomorrow Wei ying' ..

Wei ying, ' see you tomorrow lan zhan' .

Wei wuxian didn't expect that wangji said yes.. Normally his all friends are didn't want to go with him when he take his siblings with him cause his all attention stuck with his brother and sister so they refused him.. Wei wuxian thought wangji also refused him but he didn't.. He was so happy.. He happily finished his cooking and then clean the whole house then he washed all clothes yanli helps him with washing she washed her and their mother's clothes and Wei wuxian washed his , jiang cheang' s and their father's clothes.  ..
He does this things on Sunday but since they planned the outing he completed his all works on Saturday.


Wangji was happy too.. Like his wish comes true.. He wishes for meet with Wei wuxian and today he thought to ask Wei ying for that but Wei ying asked him first so he didn't refused him. .. And about Wei ying' s siblings.. He didn't have any problem with them cause they are precious for Wei ying wangji also like them.. They belongs to Wei ying .. His Wei ying..

Next morning

Wei ying wakes up early then yanli wakes up .. They two make break fast.. Wei  Yang send his mother and father  for their work and also make lunch for them.. Then they two struggles with jiang cheang the little one wakes up late .. Then they three gets ready and left the house at 10 am.. Wei ying makes sure he locked all the door and windows  .....

They walked though the footpaths.. At the first end of the street Wei ying saw wangji wait for them.. Wei ying' s eyes widened after seeing wangji.  He wares simple clothes but he looking like a hero.. Wei ying couldn't help but blush ...

He waited for them

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He waited for them..

when they three reached to wangji

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when they three reached to wangji.. Wangji says, " Late.!! "

Wei ying, " Sorry ... See I have my two child with me.. You don't know how hard it is to be a mother.. " He makes a pout..

Wangji smirk then said, " Then why are you go with me? What about their father? Or you want me to be their father? "

Wei ying hits on his arms, " You shameless.. "

Wangji laughed and said, " Ok let's go " Then he tried to hold jiang cheang' s hands but he frowned and tightly held Wei ying's hands... Wangji chuckled seeing his reaction.. Then he reached his hands front of yanli and ask her with a gentle smile, " May I hold this little princess hands ? "

Yanli smiled, " Yes.. Handsome gege.. " 
Then she holds wangji's hands and they started walking.. Since the amusement park was not to far from Wei ying's home so they walked to park..

Wangji and yanli walked front of Wei ying and jiang cheang..

Wei ying smiled unconsciously when he sees how wangji treat his sister and brother.. He thinks, ' really I didn't expect it from you.. You're hits my weak point lan wangji.. How could i resist you if you want to be my children's father.. My husband '
' wait, eh!! What the hell I'm thinking.. They are my siblings not children's and husband?? '

He came out of his thoughts when jiang cheang shakes his hands.. " Gege see.. A dog "  Jiang cheang very obsessed with dogs but Wei ying he have deadly fear from this creature.. Before processing jiang cheang' s words.. Little cheang pulled him to front of the dog.. When he saw the dog front of him and about to getting closer he screamed, " Yanli.... Yan.. Li.. Shijie save me.. "

Yanli and wangji who didn't saw the entire scene cause they walked front of them and talking to each other about their school and studies and gone away a little farther.. When they heard Wei ying's scream they two runs for him.. Yanli knows her gege scared with dogs .. She about to tell wangji that but before that he reached front of Wei ying and pulled him to his arms.. Wei ying's whole body was shaking for fear.. He storks Wei ying's back and tried to comfort him.. Yanli reached there and shoos the dog and started scolding jiang cheang.. 

Wangji whisper in Wei ying's ear, " Wei ying the dog is gone "

Wei ying who sobbing in wangji's neck, " Really? " Asked in a tremble voice..

Wangji, " Um. "

Wei ying Slowly released wangji and said "thank you "

Wangji, " Um.. Let's go "

This time yanli and wangji walked behind Wei ying and keeping eye on little cheang.. Make sure he doesn't make any trouble for Wei ying..

But Wei ying who thinks the scene was some kind of familiar for him.. But how lan zhan knows he had fear from dogs..

Lan zhan thinks, ' why I'm done this.. It's seems like I already know that Wei ying have a fear.. Why I suppose to hug him .. Why his touch felt like so familiar.. Warm.. I never felt these kind of warmth before but it's to familiar and comfortable.. Except my parents no one  hug me like that.. Not even my ex boyfriends.. So why he felt that way.. '

Yanli thinks, " When gege saw any dogs why he call me shijie.."

And the little cheang he makes pouted face in whole time..
They  then reached the park ..


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