Chapter 8

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To say that I wasn't trying to dodge Marcus would be an understatement, at first it was me being nervous to talk to him due the fact of his message. It's been a week now since I have been trying to dodge him, if I see him in the hallway, I walk the other way, but in class I'm the first one out so he can't catch up to me. We do message each other all day long and he complains to me that he wants to relive the day we shared our special kiss one more time, but I always come up with a lame excuse why I'm always rushing out of class and why he doesn't see me around school. Truthfully, I'm nervous that he might just be playing around with me, but I'm not certain. One thing for sure is that he is really patient and caring. Every night when I write in my journal I write a sentence to even a whole paragraph about the way he makes me feel. Maybe I'm just paranoid that I will get hurt and maybe no one will be there to pick me up after the pain. Sometimes I wish I was different, the girl who kissed Marcus out of nowhere because that's not who I am. The truth about me is that I am a girl who is insecure, shy and rather not be noticed in fear that I might be judged for who I am. Maybe I wish I was like my older brother, no one's words can affect him in anyway because he just brushes it off his shoulder and continues with his life. We're not alike, but he is my best friend, the only person in the world who understands me and understands why I do certain things.

Marcus is always in my mind, secretly I look where he is sitting in class because somehow he causes me to have butterflies in my stomach. One day he almost caught me staring, but my ninja skills helped me see he was going to look my way so I stared back to the wall. Someone pulled me out of my thoughts by saying, "Hey beautiful."

I looked to see it was Marcus with his soft smile looking down on me and for one second I didn't know how to respond. He was actually standing right in front of me just like when he kissed me and held my hands. The only way I could answer was with a compliment, "Hey handsome."

He looked at me, maybe thinking what to say or maybe I had something on my face so my automatic reaction was to put one strand of hair behind my ear. Slowly he replied, "So your beautiful face finally decided to show up in this school even though it's not that big."

"Handsome it's not my fault that you can't seem to catch up to me, I don't understand how you're in the basketball team if you can't see me or reach me in time," I say in a teasing voice. He stared at me and smiled, me being who I am got a bit aggravated that he kept staring at me. "Can you please explain why you can't stop staring me and you don't talk hmm handsome," I added to what I said.

"I'm sorry beautiful, but it's been a week and a half since I've seen you and it feels like an eternity. I can't stop staring at your beauty, truthfully you're mesmerizing," Marcus said with a smile and looked at me right in my eyes before he gave me a slow, but passionate kiss on the lips. My mind had thought after thought, half of me didn't believe it actually happened, but the other half of me knew it happen and I would have to say something. I was speechless and I'm usually good with words, there was butterflies all over my stomach. Marcus was different from others, no one has made me feel the way he makes me feel and I've only knew him for a short time.

"Did you really have to do this in the middle of the hallway in front of everybody," I say to him knowing my cheeks would turn red at any moment now. I was shy and that would never change therefore him kissing me was embarrassing because I didn't want anyone to say something to me. At first he seemed upset about my comment, but maybe it was that he saw my blush and turned around to see people staring us that made him smile.

"Beautiful I wanted to show the guys around this school that I want you and they're not going to be able to have you," Marcus said with a beaming smile to show he was happy, but I was confused.

"What do you mean guys, no one in this school wants to be with me and talk to me for that matter."

"Lily, I think you might be blind or something similar because right now in front of you is a person who would die to be with such a beautiful angel like yourself. Truthfully, there is so many guys who would love to be with you, but are afraid of being rejected by you. Before we first talked at the mall there was always a conversation about you with the guys, but I never knew it was you. They would say that there was a beautiful girl who was amazingly special, but every time someone wanted to be with her she would reject them by putting them in the friend zone and that's when they knew they would never have a chance with her."

Marcus saying that honestly was a complete and utter surprised, I kept looking into his eyes thinking maybe this was a joke he thought of at that precise moment. He kept staring at my eyes, it seemed as if he was trying to read my thoughts because I hadn't spoken a single word, but once again I was speechless. It seemed like Marcus had the power to make be speechless again and again. I looked away from his eyes before I looked back and said, "Are you messing around with me to get me smile or you're being truthful, be honest because there's nothing that I hate more than someone not being honest towards me."

Half of me wanted him to say it was a lie, but the other half wanted him to say he was being honest. I didn't know what to expect, it was true that I always put guys in the friend zone, but I never thought that some had actual feelings for me at one point. Mostly everyone was sweet and really caring, that's all I ever thought of them. None of them had made me feel the way Marcus made me feel not even Alfred who I had been deeply in love with at one point in time, but I knew those feelings had vanished because there wasn't a chance with him and I knew with Marcus there could possibly be something. Marcus interrupted my thoughts by saying, "I would never lie to a beautiful angel, it's the truth therefore I want people to know I might have a chance to be with you, the most beautiful girl I've seen."

I loved the way he spoke about me, at least once in every sentence he compliments me or makes me smile like no one has. Maybe I'm putting much thought into this and maybe I put those guys in the friend zone because I didn't want to risk my heart getting broken by someone who doesn't deserve it in the first place. Finally, I responded to him with, "What do you mean might have a chance?"

"That's exactly what I mean, I might have a chance to become your boyfriend or maybe not. I don't know the future and neither do you, but one thing I know for sure is that I want you there with me by my side. It's something about you that makes me desire your presence, but that's exactly how I want it. Therefore, I will try to win your heart even if it's the last thing I do," Marcus said this in the most perfect way that got me to smile and this time give him a kiss that was different from his. I kissed his slowly and lovingly, a part of me wanted us to never stop but I knew I had to. I was the first one to pull away from what seemed the most magical kiss I have experienced. I looked around the hallway to see we were the only ones left at school aside from the custodians. I whispered slowly, "I think we should go before we get in trouble for being here so late."

He agreed and we walked to the parking lot. Marcus looked at me, "Do you have a ride?"

I had forgotten I was supposed to go home with Julia because we were going to do something after school. "I think my ride left when school ended, she probably knew I was going to end up forgetting that I needed to go somewhere with her."

"Do you want me to take you home?"

Maybe it was our passionate kiss, but everything inside me was screaming to tell him I would love that and I did just that. I had to repeat the directions that I gave him the first day we met. I was contemplating if I should let him see my house or walk a few houses to get to my house. It was easier to stay a mystery at night but not so much in the afternoon so I decided I would let him drive me to my house. With me thinking I had forgotten that I wasn't talking to him but it was nowhere near an awkward silence more like comfortable. We finally got to my house and I kissed him on the cheek and rushed home. Just as I walked in the door my phone vibrates and it's a message from Marcus. "Can I get another kiss like the one you gave me today?"

"Speak poetic words again and every time you do; your payment shall be a kiss from me which is special if I do say so myself."

With that I walk to my room and I wanted to run to my bed but my older brother was laying down. Tiredly I say, "Can I help you?"

Worriedly, but happy he runs to give me a hug, "Where have you been? I thought something had happened to you."

If only he knew I had received a special kiss and I returned it with the same spark, but for some reason I was tired. "I'll tell you later if you let me take a nap because I'm tired."

With that he let me go to my bed then went to the door and closed it because he knew I would tell him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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