Chapter 4

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Really this chick is giving me a death glare because Marcus is right beside me it's not like him and I are together. Right when I thought Marcus was going to flirt with the worker he decided to hold my hand and he said the unexpected.

"Hey sweetie why don't you order first because that's what a good boyfriend does for the most amazing girlfriend in the world he lets her order first and you can order whatever you want" he made it seem so realistic like we were actually dating but then he winked at me telling to go with the plan he had made.

"Thank you babe I knew that I made the right choice when I told you yes a year ago" I said looking at him lovingly like a girl my age would be looking at her boyfriend if she was really in love. "Hi can I have chocolate ice cream and on top have chocolate chips" I asked the worker, who was wearing a pale blue shirt with the ice cream shop logo and she was wearing khaki pants. Her hair was in a ponytail it looked almost perfect. I really wanted to see her reaction when I gave her my order and after the little act I did and just like I expected she mumbled fat ass.

She mumbled it so quiet that a person that was not focusing on her wouldn't hear it and I saw Marcus looking at the ice cream options I really thought he didn't hear her. But once again he did the unexpected.

"What did you say about my girlfriend? Did I hear you right?" Marcus started asking the worker.

"I d-didn't s-say anything-g" the worker said she was stuttering that was a dead giveaway that she was in fact lying about not saying anything.

"Are you sure because I clearly heard you call her a fat ass" Marcus said. "I want to see a manager and tell him or her that their worker is rude with the customer."

Right when Marcus finished the worker went to the back and to get the manager before he can say anything else. Me having nothing else to do I decided to sit back at the booth and Marcus decided to do the same thing because he followed me.

"You gave a good performance there" I commented to Marcus.

"Oh thank you I didn't think it was going to be credible performance" Marcus said.

"Really you think you didn't pull it off, I was terrible but when did you decided to act as my boyfriend by the way" I asked him while looking back at the door the worker went through.

"Well I noticed she was giving you a death glare so I decided to make her mad by being your boyfriend. I thought she was giving you a death glare because of me" Marcus said with a smile on his lips.

"Here we go again thinking so high of yourself you know that your ego is going to explode someday because of the way you make it grow" I say with smile and looked directly at his eyes.

"Well if we keeping talking to each other I'm going to be fine because I grow it but you decrease it" Marcus says while looking at the same door I was looking at earlier.

"So what your trying to me is that your using me so your poor ego wont explode wow I feel some friendship coming this way" I say looking at my fingers to make it seem like I was really upset.

"It's not like that shit I am so sorry if whatever I said made you upset" Marcus said making me smile because that was the reaction I was hoping he was going to do. At times he is open like a book but other times it's so hard to know what he's going to do next.

"That's how you make an ego shrink" I say looking directly into his eyes.

"Wow Lil I actually thought I hurt your feelings" he says and also looking into my eyes.

"You'll have to do worse than that to make me feel bad I'm not that kind of girl that is too sensitive" I say while looking at the wall behind him. I couldn't look into his eyes anymore.

"I have noticed and what is taking them so long" Marcus asks me impatiently.

"Beats me but I want some ice cream" I say looking at where all the ice cream is.

"Really you still want ice cream after all of this" Marcus asks me surprised. Like if it was a surprise a human being wanted ice cream when they're at an ice cream shop.

"Yes I still want ice cream. Who goes into an ice cream shop and doesn't even order ice cream" I said and looked directly at him I knew he was going to be quiet. What seemed like a life time the bitch ass worker came and a guy I was guessing that he was the manager he was about forty he had a bald spot in the middle of his head. He tried to hide it by combing what was left of his hair to his bald spot but it looked like someone had run their hands through his hair. He had a black checkered shirt that was wrong buttoned it looked like he tried to put it on back really fast. He had black dress pants that were all wrinkled he matched his look with black dress shoes. The bitch ass worker looked differently too her perfect ponytail was all messed up and her pale blue shirt was wrinkled and so was her khaki pants. I added one plus one the bitch just had a quickie to save her job I would be glad if I got fired from this job, it seemed terrible. I might hate her because she called me a fat ass but that doesn't me I can't feel bad for the girl. I looked beside and Marcus was eyeing them up like he was trying to figure out something in his head. It was pretty obvious what happened but Marcus seemed to be oblivious.

The manager was the first one who talked, "So what is the problem here?" "Your worker called my girlfriend a fat ass when she was ordering her ice cream" Marcus says immediately. "I am really sorry to make up for it how about fifty percent off each purchase for six months" the manager suggested. I was in love with the idea already it was almost good as free ice cream. But no Marcus had to get between my happiness by saying "no that's not a good deal". I was about to contradict that it was a magnificent idea when Marcus gave me a look to keep my mouth shut, so I did. The manager looked a Marcus to see if he was bluffing but Marcus was looking back at him and he showed no sign that he was playing. "How about eight months with seventy-five discount that is how far I'm going to go" the manager says. I think I'm going to cry that was the best thing I have ever heard but once again Marcus didn't like it, I knew right away by the way he looked at the manager. "Make it ten months and you have yourself a deal" Marcus said. "ten months it is" the manager said. Ten months with seventy-five discount I have never been so happy in my life. I can order so many ice cream and I won't need to pay that much I might need to come every day but not when miss bitch is working she's going to call me other things if she sees me coming every day. "May I see a piece of paper and a pen" Marcus says bringing me back from my thought. What are you going to do now Marcus?

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