Chapter 3

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Once I reach the park I try to find Alfred but it was hard to do so because of all the small groups of friends spread everywhere. I walk around for a bit looking for him and I spot him sitting in one of the swings. Slowly I walk towards where Alfred is and carefully sit on the swing beside him. I could tell he was in a deep thought because he still hadn't notice me that I was sitting right beside him. I snap my finger right in his face to get his attention because I know that was going to get his attention.

"Hey Lil" Alfred says with a small smile.

"Hey Alfred what did you want to talk about I left a day at the mall just for this" I say teasing him but joking because spending time with him was always better than being at the mall for hours doing nothing except looking and trying on a billion things .

"I'm so sorry it's about something stupid" Alfred says and looks at his hands that are on his lap with a guilty look. From all of time knowing him I know that he looked at his hands when he felt guilty about something or when he was upset.

"You know I was being sarcastic right? Alfred you should know by now hw much I hate taking so long at the mal and how much I love spending time with you" I say with a confusing tone. Alfred has been my best friend for the longest he should know me very well by now especially that because I always complain to him that I dislike spending too much at the mall and also how I hate waking up so early.

"Oh yeah I'm sorry Lil it's just that I have a lot things on my mind right now I can't think straight" Alfred says.

"I have notice but I'm hear to you listen no matter what you're a very important person in my life" I say to him with a smile.

"I know but I don't know how to tell you this" Alfred says not looking at me.

"Ok Alfred your officially scaring me right now" I say.

"It's nothing bad, I'm pretty sure you'll be happy to know this actually" Alfred says with a small smile.

"Can you please tell me what the news are so I can stop thinking about so many things you know that I over think everything" I say.

Alfred stayed silent for a few seconds then he said the unthinkable,"I want to break up with Ashleigh."

"I apologize in advance on what I'm going to do right now"up and doing my happy dance. I didn't care if people were staring at me it was the best new I have heard in a while and no I'm not just saying that because the guy I like is breaking up with his girlfriend but because he's free from a problem. Alfred isn't upset that I was acting like a fool and that I'm happy he's going to break up with her because he keeps laughing at me, when I was done I sat back at the swing.

"I'm done but what I don't understand is why?" I say to him in a confuse tone because he's been trying really hard to make it work with her considering how many times he's been to me asking for help on how he can apologize to her when it's her who should be apologizing.

"Well you see the thing is that I no longer have feelings for her but I do for someone else" Alfred says slowly giving me a chance to process everything.

"I want details now about her name, do I know her, and have I ever seen her before, height and other small details" I say with some excitement already in my voice. I like him but what awful friend I would be if I'm not happy for my best friend he always gets the worse luck when it comes to love.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Alfred says with a smirk.

"I would very much so tell me now" I say almost begging.

"Well this has been such a lovely chat we should do this sometime again" Alfred says already getting up from the swing.

"Really this is how you're going to leave without telling me what's the person's name is? I can't believe you! In all my seventeen years of knowing you I can't believe you won't tell me who this person is. Every time I had a crush on someone you would be the first one to know because that's how much I care what you have to say abou it" I say frustrated and get up as well from the swing.

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