Chapter 2

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"I do go to Far High. Next thing you know we both have the same schedule but we never seen each other" Marcus says with a hopeful voice.

"Ok I'm going to tell you my schedule and I hope it's not like mine so it won't be awkward. I have health, photography, Spanish, lunch, biology, algebra, and English" I say.

"As a matter of fact it isn't well some of it is and some classes no but it wouldn't be awkward unless you make it awkward" Marcus says to me with a small smile.

I was happy that we didn't have all the same classes because it would be quite eerie to see him in all of them because of the dare to talk to him. "Well now I really have to go" I say looking at the time on my phone, "I guess I'll see you Monday in some of my classes" I say while backing up a little bit so he could get the message not to keep the conversation going and I could go back to the table that my friends were sitting at, I already knew a lot of questions awaited me.

"Oh ok I guess and if it's okay with you I would like to text you later" Marcus says smiling. I like his smile because when he smiles I could see his dimples and that made look him even more handsome.

"That's fine and I'll talk to you later bye" I say as I walk back to where the girls were at. I was mentally hoping they wouldn't ask me any questions, but I knew that it was nearly impossible for them not to ask me any questions after I just talked to the guy they dared me to talk to. Once I reached them Mary was the first one to talk out of the three, "So what took you forever to get back here at this beloved table you do realize that you only had to flirt with the guy and give him your number not have a whole conversation with him."

"I know what flirting consists of but I found out that he goes to Western Fall and that he's in some of my classes and before you ask me which ones I don't know which ones because I forgot to ask him which ones they are" I say disappointed in myself .

"Really wow, who would have expected that was going to happen I mean the chances of him going to our school were a lot but him being in your classes that's coincidental if I do say myself" Julia says to me .

"Oh before any of you guys ask me if I gave him my number well I did and he said he was going to text me later if it was alright" I say to them smiling.

"Damn Lil who would have thought you had that in you making a guy ask you if it's okay to text you like wow I'm impressed" Elizabeth says.

"I didn't even know I could do that either I mean maybe he has some good manners of asking a girl if it's okay to text her especially if you just met her today. So are we just going to sit here or are we going continue shopping for our winter formal dresses" I say while throwing the trash of my lemonade and my food to the trash can that was nearby.

"I see someone got into the mood of shopping, someone who they just met did that, didn't they? Wait was it love at first sight the way he looked into your eyes and smiled at you and the way you return the smile and looked into his eyes as well" Mary says in a teasing voice and smirks when she's done talking.

"You know what Mary? Shut up, because firstly you don't know anything you weren't with me when I was having the conversation with that guy. To answer what you were saying it wasn't love at first sight you know I don't believe in that. Secondly the reason I wanted to go keep looking for dresses is because I realized I was being a total brat and was having an attitude so I wanted to make it up but now I'm leaving my bad mood has return" I say to Mary surprisingly in a somewhat calm voice.

"I'm sorry Lily she didn't mean it she was just trying to be funny you know how she is at times. Please just stay with us it wouldn't be the same if you left" Julia says to me with a sad smile.

"No I'm leaving I've been far way too long at the mall and plus I'm supposed to meet up a friend anyways we made plans to meet a long time ago. If you're wondering how I'll get there I'm going to by bus I'll see you guys later bye" I say to them while walking to the exit of the food court.

I didn't wait for them to even say goodbye I was ready to leave I know I might have overreacted ok I overreacted a lot but I don't like him in that way it's just that I would like to know more about him that's all. The part of meeting someone was true; I was meeting up my best guy friend, the guy who I know since kindergarten. He is the guy I trust with everything plus the guy that I kind of like but it can't be because we're best friends and if it didn't work out then it would be quite awkward between us and I wouldn't be able to have him anymore and I wouldn't be able to tell him anything because of the awkwardness. I changed my mind on taking the bus; the bus always had too many people on it and I prefer walking than riding the bus anyways. I didn't know what Alfred wanted to talk to me about but maybe it could be about his new girlfriend who was a total bitch towards me, but every time he needed help to make that bitch happy he would come to me to seek advice.

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