Lewis attrape mon téléphone et le lance sur le lit.
-Hey it was to work.
-Not today, today is off.
-It's not off, I have to work.
-No you don't. If you didn't for Ferrari, you don't need for your followers. You can take a day off I swear. And if you're okay with that I would like to spend this day off with you.
-You know that I won't be here for every race ? Dis-je en passant mes bras autour de son cou.
-So I have to enjoy every hundredths of a second.
Il pose son nez contre le mien.
-Every hundredths of it ? Sourié-je.
-Maybe I'm still in the race. Souffle-t-il contre mes lèvres.
-And you think you could have a break in that race ?
-I hoped you to say that.
Je relève doucement la tête pour laisser mes lèvres épouser les siennes. Le manteau ferrari glisse de mes épaules pour s'écrouler au sol, un peu de la même façon que je m'écroule sur le lit quand Lewis m'y pousse. Ses mains soulèvent doucement mon t-shirt. La fin de notre après-midi s'embrase sous les draps. Je finis en culotte, dans les bras de Lewis qui me caresse le dos du bout des doigts.
-I don't want you to leave. Chuchote-t-il sur ma tête.
-I will for a time only. I'll be back for the big final.
-What will you do on summer break ?
-I have no idea about that. I'll see I guess.
-You want to spend it with me ?
-I don't know, maybe it's not a really good idea, you must have a program with your friends.
-What if I want to change the program and go with you ? Dit-il en passant ses mains sur mes côtes, me provoquant un frisson.
-If you truly want to eat with my brothers and my mother.
-You will eat at home ?
-Yeah, mom always take us home for a meal during the summer break, it's a good occasion to have everyone at home.
-You think it's too soon to have an official presentation to your mother ?
-I have to say that I don't know at all. What kind of relationship do we have ?
-Do we have or do I want to have with you ?
-I'm pretty sure that they are the same.
-I think we are together, if it's what you think too.
-I think we are.
-Can I ask you something...Personnal ?
-What happened between Charles and this man ? Does it have a report with what happened last night ?
-Something like that. I'm not sure I want to talk about that right now.
-This man hurt you ?
-It doesn't matter, don't think about it.
-I'll try.
-Can i have my phone back ? I'm worried by my friend's message.
Il attrape mon téléphone tombé sur la moquette et me le tend. Lilia m'a envoyé un lien vers un article de magazine gossip français.
-Sainz ou Norris, pour qui le coeur de la jeune influenceuse a-t-il chaviré ?
L'article est accompagné d'une photo de moi dans le t-shirt de Lewis, je suis à moitié nue et ça ne semble pas avoir dérangé les paparazzis pour immortaliser le moment. Par chance, je suis seule sur la photo, on ne voit ni mon frère, ni mon père, ni Lewis, personne. Lewis aperçoit la photo par dessus mon épaule.
-They are so dumb, my god...
-Oh you've seen nothing yet my dear.
Je vais sur mon twitter, la photo tourne, j'ai des commentaires et des messages qui critique mes jambes, des filles qui me menacent, des mecs avec des commentaires...Plus que déplacés.
-All of that for a picture in a magazine ?
-Yes and because I'm a woman. That's why I don't want anyone to know about us. I'm starting to get used by those kind of messages but it's tiring.
-I got it. What are you gonna do ?
-Me ? Post some messages about the fact that people are disgusting and I totally assume my body and this photo. I don't have so much to do.
Je reçois un texto de Lilia.
-Les journalistes me harcèlent pour savoir qui tu te tapes chez McLaren. C'est quoi ce délire ?
-Je réponds à aucune interview sur le sujet, nie tout en bloc.
-You see, that's what I want to avoid.
-Yeah, I got it.
-Nevermind, I'll just...ignore that. I don't want to be worried about that when I'm with you. Dis-je en posant le téléphone sur la table de chevet avant de me blottir contre Lewis.
-I don't want you to be hurted, by any way. Lance-t-il.
-Says the one who drive a car at three thousand miles per hour. Me moqué-je.
Il attrape tendrement mon menton pour planter son regard dans le mien.
-I'm not joking Amber, if anything bother you, in those messages, in anything, I want you to tell me.
Je souris, Charles est déjà très protecteur envers moi mais Lewis à l'air beaucoup plus à cran.
-I will, I promise. Dis-je avant de poser chastement mes lèvres sur les siennes. You're cute when you are worried.
On décide de mettre un film au hasard, sa course a été éprouvante et j'ai besoin de repos je ne vais pas le cacher. Il caresse ma peau du bout de ses doigts.
-There's only one race remaining before the summer break. Annonce-t-il.
-You look afraid that I could spend it far from you.
-I don't know if I am afraid but I surely don't want to spend it far from you.
-You already have a program don't you.
-If I have to pay a little more to have you by my side, it's okay.
-I can pay for myself don't worry.
-It's not because you can that it means you have to.
-Doesn't matter, will see, I don't know what I'll do and with that new scandal and it's dangerous, paparazzi will follow me and you. One mistake and we are officially out.
-Yeah, I know, I know. Souffle-t-il déçu que je sois si réfractaire.
-I promise you I'll try to come. Dis-je pour me rattraper.
Il me serre un peu plus fort contre lui. J'ai vraiment envie de passer plus de temps avec lui mais je sais aussi ce que peut coûter une exposition trop soudaine et trop précoce. Je reçois un message, mon téléphone est posé sur la table de nuit.
-Can you check what it is ? Demandé-je à Lewis.
-It's Charles, he asks if you eat with them tonight.
-You come with me ?
-To eat with Charles and Charlotte ? Yeah, if you want.
-I think they're gonna choose something discret, we shouldn't need to pay attention.
-Yeah probably.
-You answer him ? The code is 220410.
-What happened that day ? Me demande Lewis curieux.
-First birthday after my official adoption.
-It's okay, it's a good memory you know.
-Tell me.
-I had no friends at this time so Charles invited Jules, Pierre, Esteban and some other friends. It was the best birthday I ever had. Charles got me a ring telling me that the only day he will authorized another ring to replace it, it will be the day that I'll fall in love for a good man, someone who truly loves me.
-Did anyone ever replaced it ?
-Not yet. Dis-je en tendant a main, montrant la bague. Un cercle doré sur lequel trône une perle taillée en forme de coeur avec, de part et d'autres, deux petites opales rondes.
Il prend ma main et joue un peu avec mes doigts en observant ma bague.
-Charles has good taste. Annonce-t-il.
-Yeah, I think too.
Il répond à mon frère, nous n'avons rendez-vous que dans 2 heures.
-What should we do ? Demandé-je.
-I would love to take you out trust me be right now after the race, I just want to stay in the bed with you in my arms. Sourit-il en me serrant contre lui.
-That seems a good programm to me. Sourié-je. But it will be pretty long and I need to prepare myself a little.
-I can help ?
-You know how to put some eye liner ?
-No, but I can learn.
-You really want to help me to get dressed ?
-I would prefer to get you undressed but I can help you for that.
-Then we change the room ? All my stuff are in my room.
-Okay but you take the ferrari coat, out of question that anyone share another picture of you almost naked.
-Are you jealous ? Dis-je en me plaçant au dessus de lui.
Ses mains glissent sur mes hanches.
-Not jealous, just pissed off that my girlfriend have bad commentaries of jealous people.
-You know it's not the first time and it will certainly not be the last ?
-I know but it doesn't mean that I have to like it or accept it. Dit-il en se redressant, m'attirant de plus en plus contre lui.
Mes yeux sont plongés dans les siens, je sens ses mains couler doucement dans mon dos. Je prends le chouchou qui tient ses tresses ensemble pour attacher mes cheveux en chignon. Je crois que je préfère le voir avec les cheveux détachés. Il secoue doucement la tête pour décoller ses tresses.
-You're an elastic thief. Lance-t-il en me faisant passer sous lui.
Ses tresses viennent chatouiller mes joues. J'en remets un derrière son oreille.
-I really like your hair when they are untied. Annoncé-je.
-I really like when you like me.
-I don't think I like you.
-I think I love you...
-You think ?
-I'm pretty sure of it.
-And how could you be really sure of it ?
-Hmm don't no yet. You have an idea about that ?
-Not really because, by my side, I'm sure to be in love with you. Sourit-il en m'embrassant sur le front.
-I really should begin to prepare myself. If we are late, Charles is gonna kill us.
-Trust me we will be late and your brother can say whatever he wants. I really want to spend every second I can with you before you leave.
-You know that there are many other ways to ask me to sleep with you tonight ? This one is not even the best.
-You know that I will refuse that you sleep in another bed because of yesterday ?
-It was nothing, I swear.
-A nothing who broke your wrist and drove your brother crazy.
-Yeah maybe just a little but I'm in security now. Everything will be alright, you have my word.
-In my opinion, you'll be safe when I'll be around you.
-I'll be alright then.
Je l'embrasse avant de me lever et enfile le manteau ferrari.
-You come with me or you prepare yourself by your side ? Demandé-je.
Il se lève et encercle ma taille avec ses bras avant de m'emporter jusqu'à ma chambre. Quand il me lâche, j'enlève le manteau Ferrari pour aller à la douche. Lewis me suit dans la salle de bain pour se préparer aussi. Je prends grand soin de ne pas mouiller mon plâtre pendant ma douche.
-If I come to eat with your mother and your brothers, would you come to eat with mine ? Me demande Lewis en rattachant ses cheveux
-Sure, I would love to meet your family.
-I think you're gonna meet Roscoe before.
-I already met Roscoe honey.
-When ? Me demande-t-il quand je pique sa curiosité.
-One or two years ago, I came to see Jules run and I visited some paddocks, including the Mercedes one. I don't know where you were but there was Roscoe in a little room where we were not supposed to go. Probably Toto's office or something like that. Roscoe came out and I petted it for like an hour. I just sat in the room and nobody told me nothing.
-An hour ? How could I have miss you ?
-Jules called me, it was before the qualifications, you were probably training. Dis-je en sortant de la douche.
Il me donne une serviette avant de s'accouder au lavabo.
-So we spend the summer break together or not ?
-Probably but nothing is sure. I don't have your job, maybe I'll have other things to do you know ?
-Yeah I know.
-And we still have some time, it's okay to take our time. Don't be that pressed okay ? Dis-je en retirant l'élastique de ses cheveux.
-Stop stealing me. Rit-il en essayant de reprendre son chouchou.
-But you're so pretty without. I never saw you with the hair untied. Please, just for tonight.
Il considère ma demande en gardant ses yeux plongés dans les miens.
-Mmmh. Okay just for tonight.
-Thank you. Dis-je en l'embrassant chastement.
J'enfile mes sous-vêtements, je mettrais ma robe après puisqu'elle est blanche et que je ne veux pas mettre de poudre dessus. Je commence à pousser Lewis pour prendre sa place devant le miroir.
-Are you pushing me ? Demande-t-il en me voyant le pousser.
-No, it must be in your head.
Je ris quand il commence à me porter, je ne me souvenais pas qu'il pouvait me porter avec une telle aisance.
-You're cheating. Ris-je.
Il me dépose dans le lit et reste au-dessus de moi.
-You are cheating by annoying me in this outfit. Se moque-t-il.
-You know that we are going to be late if we do what we think about ?
-Charles will be angry ?
-I don't know.
-If I drive fast we must be on time no ?
-Just don't kill us on the road.
-I won't.
Il reste là, planté dans mon regard.
-Are you hesitating ?
-No just waiting to see if you are sure and looking at the beautiful woman who stole my elastic.
-I am sure.
-I'm glad you are. Sourit-il en déposant ses lèvres dans mon cou.
Ses mains remontent mes hanches pour caresser mes côtes. Ses lèvres coulent le long de mon cou jusque sur ma poitrine. Je soupire à son contact. Il remonte son visage pour murmurer contre mes lèvres.
-You seem...tense. Sourit-il.
-You tense me.
-Let's change that.
Fast Life
Non-FictionAmbre Leclerc, soeur adoptive de Charles Leclerc, suit les aventures de son frère depuis des années. Pour la première fois, la jeune influenceuse à décroché un contrat de sponsoring avec l'écurie Ferrari. Cette année se présente pleine de grand prix...