Chapter 11

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The journey from Beacon Hills back to Mystic Falls was long. Long enough to warrant a stop at a sketchy motel and a sketchy motel bar to have a drink once she left her belongings in her car, not trusting the safety of the motels. Let's just say she's had bad experiences with motels in the past.

She takes a seat at the bar, flagging the bar tender for a drink and using her fake ID to make it more believable. She takes her phone out and begins to read the texts the mystic falls gang has sent her whilst she was away. Apparently Katherine had made an appearance and there was another werewolf in town. From the Lockwood's. She knew there was something going on in that family and that explains it. She decides to send Ric a text.

'Sorry for going MIA for so long. Tell the others I'm not mad at them, I had to go home to help a friend (and got kidnapped in the process but I'll explain more about that later). I'm on my way back now. I've stopped to spend a night in a hotel in Dallas. I should be back tomorrow. - Alex'

She takes a moment to look around the bar, it was quite quiet for it being a Thursday night, only 10 other people inside. She orders drink after drink, knowing that the buzz she feels after she finishes only lasts for a couple of minutes before it disappears. She goes to pay for another when a twenty dollar bill lands on the table at her side. She turns to look at the person who paid for it.

He was dressed quite formally for the type of bar they were situated in. Someone in that kind of suit shouldn't be in a dingy bar. She stares at him for a while, trying to figure out what he wanted, she immediately knew he was a vampire.

"Do you mind?" He asks the girl, the British accent clear in his voice and she slowly nods her head as he takes the seat that was available next to her. "What brings you to Dallas?"

Alex looks at him as the bartender bring her another drink. "Just stopping over night."


"I stopped off at home in LA for a little while, I'm on my way back to Atlanta." She tells the man, being incredibly vague with her responses as she doesn't know who he is. She holds out her hand for him to shake and he takes it into his hand "Alex."

"Elijah." He says with a smile, increasing his smile as she narrows her eyes at him, his name becoming familiar but it could only be a coincidence. There will be dozens of vampires called Elijah who aren't originals but the way this one held himself made her think differently.

"So what brings you to this bar on a Thursday night?" Alex wonders, engaging in conversation with him.

"Business." Is his vague response. "Someone passed on information to me and I need to see if it checks out."

"Can't you just compel them?" Alex wonders, letting go of the charade between the two. Elijah lets out a hearty laugh at her bluntness, him becoming more and more intrigued by the minute.

"Where's the fun in that?" He counters, a smirk gracing his face. "Now obviously you're not a vampire, how did you know about me? Werewolf or Witch?" Instead of answering with a verbal response, she flashes her eyes at him and his eyes reveal the shock that he was experiencing at the girl but his expression didn't change. "You said you came from LA, Beacon Hills?"

"Born and raised." She responds, still staring at the man. "And are you normal vampire Elijah? Or are you original vampire Elijah?"

"The latter." He responds as he looks at the girl. She was intriguing. Clearly young but filled with knowledge as well as power, to be an alpha at that age must have an interesting story. "You wouldn't happen to be one of those true alphas I've been hearing so much about lately?"

Alex blushes at the question, not fully aware as to how people would know that about their small town. "Well, we're just full of coincidences today. Aren't we?"

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