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For a temporary period, Lidya would now be stuck in the laboratory. Could she escape the ugly and deceitful crime that was pinned on her? Could she find the real killer and cover up the crime? But who was the real killer?



I had been lying in the hospital bed for hours. My head rested on a soft pillow, and one of my hands was connected to a hospital IV at the head of the bed. Max wanted to give me medication to boost my strength and energy, and I had no choice but to accept. The damn IV seemed to never end, and I was on the verge of exploding from boredom. I watched each drop fall from the IV, counting them one by one. One, two, three, four... After the tragedy that happened yesterday, I hadn't slept a wink. All night, I thought about what I needed to do. I had to find the killer of Pa'li. I had to clear my name from the accusations. But what am I doing right now? Nothing. I'm helpless. I can't move a finger. I can't go to the clan. I can go outside, but I can't go far from the lab. And even if I did, what would I do? Go outside with this damn oxygen mask and my bald head? I can never go out like this. Everyone would know I have an illness. If everyone finds out, it would make things worse, and my enemies would use my illness as a weakness. Besides... I don't want Neteyam to see me like this. I don't want him to see me bald and ugly. I'm not as beautiful and cute as before. I don't have my beautiful, shiny hair anymore. My face isn't lively, and my cheeks aren't rosy like before. I'm not at my ideal weight either. I've lost too much weight. I don't want him to be scared when he sees me and stay away from me. Since I got my avatar, I've been avoiding showing my human form to him. My avatar's body is more beautiful, cuter, more attractive. At least it resembles his race. Neteyam has asked me a few times why I spend so much time in my avatar body. He mentioned that I shouldn't stay in it for too long, as it could harm my human body in the long run. I couldn't deny it. I know I shouldn't stay in it for too long, Max told me that, too. But I can't help it. When I'm in my Avatar body, I feel freer, stronger, and more like one of them. Maybe I'm completely fooling myself. I don't know. Right now, I'd give anything to be in my avatar body. Unfortunately, I can't even reach my avatar. Max insisted that I should listen to him and temporarily prohibited me from using my avatar body. I did everything I could to change his mind, but I failed. Now, I wonder what the Sullys are doing? It's almost noon. I thought they would come to visit me in the morning, but they didn't. I guess they're very busy. Lo'ak was definitely busy. According to what Norm told us, he was tasked by Jake to bring Tsireya and Aonung here, along with gathering information about the situation there. I'm sure Lo'ak is currently hovering around Tsireya, looking puzzled. Jake, on the other hand, must be stressed out. I haven't seen him smile once. It's always trouble and stress for him. I'm sorry, Jake.

With the sound of the door opening, I was pulled from my thoughts. I lifted my head from the pillow and saw that Norm had entered. He had visited the clan this morning to relay the information he had gathered during his task with Jake. It seemed like he had just returned from the clan. Norm entered and placed the files he had in his hand on the table at the other end of the room. Then he came over to check my hospital serum. I watched his every move carefully. After checking the hospital serum, he looked at me and smiled.

"What's up, little trooper? Are you tired of lying here?"

He said in a cheerful tone. I gave him a half-hearted look. Could anyone not get bored being alone within these four walls?

"Yes, I'm dying of boredom. I wish there was something to do."

Norm responded to my words with a smile. He pulled out the empty hospital IV and threw it on the table before making a few notes in his file. While taking notes, he answered me.

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