« Let Me Drive, Please ? »

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''When you have a godly husband, a godly wife, children who respect their parents and who are loved by their parents, who provide for those children their physical and spiritual and material needs, lovingly, you have an unit.''

-Jerry Falwell


October, 5...(Wednesday)

"Daddy ! " Shay jumped on the couch, next to her father.

August cleared his throat and turned his head towards his daughter, "What, princess ? "

"Do you know what day it is ? " She asked with a huge smile.

He sighed, "Uh...nah, not really. Can ya remind me, please ? "

"Aw, c'mon ! You know exactly what it is. So, when are we going ? I'm so excited ! I can't wait to learn how to drive ! "

He forced a smile on his face. He wasn't as excited as her, "Yeah." He tried to act the happy person, but he couldn't. It was going to be the very first time that she was going to drive and he didn't know if he was ready for it. Was she a good or bad driver ? He was scared to find out to be honest.

"So ? When ? You finish your bowl of cereals and we're going ? Or do you need to take a nap and then we go ? Or y-"

"Okay, okay, okay. Slow down, miss. It ain't dat urgent. We have all day."

She pouted, "Oh okay."

He sighed rolling his eyes. Sometimes, it was irritating him how his three daughters had him wrapped around their little fingers. He couldn't tell her no as often as he would like. He was so weak whenever it came to them. He couldn't help it, they were his angels. They were daddy's little girl, even if they were growing up faster than the time itself.

He also had a soft spot for his sons. They were his blood, his creation, gifts given by God through their beautiful mother. And even if only Aug III was an exact replica of him, for him all his sons were his mini-me. They were his little men and he was capable to do anything for them and their happiness.

He loved all of his kids more than life itself. And his wife was his diamond, the love of his life. His family had his heart in the palm of their hands. His family was the apple of his eye. He could kill or even die for them all.

He loved these nine persons so much.

He slightly pinched Shay's cheek, "Princess, we're goin', just be a lil' bit patient. Did you already open your book ? Or listened ta' the cd ? "

"Yes, I know the entire code already and I listened to that cd three times. I know this code like I had written it myself. I think you don't know how much I'm ready to drive on my own. This little accident at school happen at the right time."

A student made fireworks explode in a classroom and everything ended not too well, causing the entire room and a bit of the hall to take fire. This event occurred on Monday and for the students' safety, school was suspended for three days, so they'll be back on Friday.

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