«Keep It Or...» {Part.2}

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''It takes a lot of work to put together a marriage, to put together a family and a home.''

--Elizabeth Edwards


February, 14...(Wednesday)

He pulled away as soon as I said that and turned me rudely around by grabbing my arm tightly, "The fuck ?! "

I snatched my arm out of his grip, "This is my body and I don't feel like going through this journey again. Aug, we already have eight kids. Eight kids ! It's enough. I can't and don't want to do this anymore. June was the last child I gave birth to. The twins were supposed to be the last one's, but we then got the triplets and June. Eight kids is already too much. It's enough ! I won't have another child. And you won't make me change my mind."

"And ya'on care what I have ta' say ?! My opinion and what I want is as important as-"

"You're not the one who is going to be pregnant during nine months ! Plus, I'm too old for carrying another child. This pregnancy is going to be dangerous, as much for the baby as for me ! I can die doing this ! Or I'll have a miscarriage."

"OOOOR ya and the baby both will be totally fine and make it through ! " He screamed getting more frustrated.

She finger combed her hair, "Aug, please...Try to understand me."

"Oh belee dat, I got it. Ya are selfish ! " He raised more his voice. 

"No, I'm not ! "

"Yes, ya are ! Ya wouldn't take dat stupid decision if you weren't. But, listen carefully, if ya do this without my consent, 'cause dat unborn is mine too, we'll divorce ! " He warned looking at her with furious eyes. 

She gasped and covered her mouth, about to cry. She wasn't expecting him to say something like that. How could he think about ending everything ? After all they went through to be together and finally live their story happily. She couldn't believe it, "Are you serious."

"As a heart attack."

This was going to be a memorable Valentine's Day. 

February, 17...(Saturday)

Today was the day. 

Today, the two parents were going to find out if Kim was really pregnant or not. And from there, each one still had their own opinion and will about the situation. Kim still was determined to get that abortion and Aug was still going to divorce her if she was going through with this. Since Wednesday night, they weren't talking to each other. 

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