«Valentine's Day.»

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''I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.''

--Mother Theresa


February, 14...(Wednesday)

"August Anthony Alsina Jr. ! " Kim raised her voice with her eyes still closed and trying to get her husband's hands off her. The kids just left for school and now it was time for her to go to work, but she couldn't leave the house because of her husband who didn't want her to get out of the house. 

August had nothing to do today since it was a day off, so he wanted to spend it with Kim and he didn't care that she had to go to work. He wrapped his arms back around her and hugged her really tightly, to the point where he was almost suffocating her. 

"Urg ! " She groaned in his chest and trying to pull away, but he didn't want to let her go, "If you don't getcho..."

His left arm moved and then his hand was resting on her right cheek. A couple of seconds later, he was squeezing it with a smirk on his face. He knew he was frustrating her right now and he loved it. He missed their rough sex sessions to be honest. 

"August ! Let go ! "

He shook his head, "Nah ! Ya're stayin' here with me."

She rolled her eyes, "You can't force me." She pouted making him beam.

He nodded, "Yes I can. Dat's exactly what I'm doin' right 'bout now. C'mon, let's go ta' dat room and let make luhh ta' each other." He squeezed the other cheek butt, "Plus...Ya still have ta' dance fa' me. Rememba' ? "

She groaned remembering it now. She hadn't time to practice a little bit like she told him she was going to do, "What about another time ? I have a job to attend to today. I need to make that money."

"Are ya cheatin' on me ? " He asked out of the blue and she immediately looked up at him with the biggest frown she could ever have on her face. 

"Excuse you ?! " She pushed him away from her rudely, "Why would you ask something like it ? Are you fucking serious right now ?! "

"Why are ya avoiding ta' have sex with me lately then ? Since Christmas, Kim ! We had never gone this far without sharin' dat special moment together. What's going on ? "

"I'm tired ! "

"Fa' fuckin' with someone else ?! "

She shook her head and grabbed her purse about to head out. If she was staying here and heard one wrong thing from him, she was about to commit a murder. She couldn't believe it, "Fuck you ! Go to hell, August ! How could you even- URG ! I don't even want to talk with you right now. FUCK YOU ! "

He sighed, "Wait..." And it was too late as the front door slammed. 

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