The Note

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Chapter One

"Monday, Monday, Monday. Fuck how is it Monday already? It was just Friday, and I was happy. I know this because as I was walking to the dorm, I said thank God it's Friday, two days to sleep and goof off. And now it's Monday and I am not happy. Fuck."

An adorable boy who looked extremely book smart with a sort of judgmental look turned around. "Do you have to swear so much? You've been saying the same thing since school started, it's now third period."

"Yes, I have to fucking swear so much, and I will continue to swear and complain until it's Friday and I'm walking to the dorms shouting thank God it's Friday and I can sleep and goof off for two days. Quit getting involved in my emotional crisis Joseph. Isn't that a big part of your cultish religion, suffering? Let me suffer, your people shouldn't be the only ones allowed to suffer."

"It's a religion not a cult you dummy."

Finn watched as Mark began unleashing one bad word after another and whispering them to his desk mate, Joseph. Joseph, a good catholic boy with the morals and beliefs of a saint. An arrogant ass they all believed was trying to correct everyone's actions and guide them to the path of righteousness. This was what his classmates described him to be like, but Finn knew this wasn't him. This mask Joseph wore was merely a way to keep a distance between him and the rest of the world. His old friend hid behind that mask even in front of him. He would continue to wait patiently to see his friend again someday, someday Joseph would let him in again. Both boys shut up and he quickly lost interest as Mark moved over to another group.

Finn had been in the same boy's school since sixth grade. To say that he was extremely popular and handsome was an understatement. A face known not only to their boys school but the girls school nearby and even other schools, yes, he was that handsome. And because of this popularity he found himself constantly at the center of attention. The boy with the face of an angel was what the girls from the neighboring girl's school called him. He had an affable, outgoing personality that made him popular with the boys and an attractive face, body with a small build and cute boyish attitude that made him popular with the girls.

His free period would be coming up next and he listened to everyone as they supposedly talked to their desk mates about corrections on their quiz. The teacher never seemed to care if they strayed from the assigned discussions as long as they weren't loud and made it seem as if they were working in case someone walked by. Mr. Dyson was young and a genius, a gifted teacher with multiple degrees tasked with teaching this special group of honor students. He had followed this group since eighth grade and had promised to follow them through twelfth grade. This program was the only thing that allowed Finn a sort of sanctuary away from constant attention, mostly other boys wanting him to come to outings or parties in hopes that his presence would bring more girls.

Being part of the honor program pretty much ensured that you would be with the same group of people all day except the period with elective classes. They provided perfect grades, excellence in all extracurricular activities, trophies, plaques, and awards to please the school board and parents and model-like behavior in front of the rest of the school and faculty. In turn they received special privileges, special trips, special activities. Who wouldn't do their absolute best to provide the best grades and best behavior to be treated as special shining examples of proper students? That recognition from that school meant a lot to most colleges and universities.

All of Mr. Dyson's group of students were some of the most coveted students in the district. A lot of money was paid by the well-off parents for their children to attend this school. His parents had died seven years ago in a factory accident where they both worked. The owner of the factory had been negligent causing the injury of five workers and death of both of his parents. When it came time for the settlement the main thing his aunt fought for was money for Finn and his sister's education. His aunt sacrificed her whole life to dedicate herself and to ensure he went to the best private school and later the best college or university of his choice. Finn and the other boys were lucky to be in Mr. Dyson's honor group since he taught two language classes, science, and history and helped the math teacher for their math class. The core group stayed together through all of the classes and thankfully it was a small and cool group to be a part of.

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