Beyond Settling

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Chapter Six

"Why is Finn taking so long? I really want to meet this guy."

Joseph checked his email then turned quickly to face him. "He probably got pulled into something, you know Finn. I saw a group of fifth graders crowded by the music rooms, so Mr. Freeman probably yanked him into his class to trick the new kids into playing the piano with his pretty face. Why do you care so much about the new kid?"

"Really? Didn't you see his face, who he is? Do you really not know, I thought we were just keeping it a secret to not make him more nervous."

"No, I didn't get a good look at him until he walked into the room and then I was more distracted by Finn's reaction. He kind of looked familiar. Who the hell is he?"

"Alexander Grey, the Prodigy."

"What, wait, the violinist? I thought the Prodigy's name was Alex Daniels."

"It was but I heard his mother talking to the counselor. She said that Alexander filed to change his last name to his mother's maiden name the day he turned eighteen because of some family issues. Alexander Grey is Alex Daniels, the Prodigy."

"He's Finn's equal, like equal in everything, grades, intelligence, attractiveness, pretty much everything except for the piano and sports. What would that be kismet, fate, weird coincidence? But who says Alexander would like him besides staring at his picture? Maybe he's not into guys?" Joseph glanced at his phone as it made a noise then smiled.

"I don't know but the way he came into the room and couldn't keep his eyes off of Finn like he was looking for him. Also, you don't just stare at someone's picture like that just because. It kind of looked like the way you're looking at that picture on your phone." He glanced at Joseph's phone. "Timothy? Let me see what the amazing Timothy looks like."

He held the phone up proudly. "Timothy. I tried to take it secretly, but I didn't turn the volume down on my phone and he heard me. He's on his way, he had to meet with some guys on the team, but he and his friend are on their way. He's handsome, isn't he?"

"He really is."

"Why did you say it like that?"

"I guess I never really saw attractiveness in a guy aside from Finn. It's hard not to. Everyone talks about him, and it's constantly shoved in his face. So, I only ever thought I could see Finn and think he's really attractive even though he's a guy and I'm straight."

"You don't have to be gay to say another guy is good looking, Jacob."

"No, I know. I mean an actor, sure you know, a model or an athlete. It's like because a guy is a public figure it's okay for a guy to say he's good looking without someone saying that's gay. But I never really stopped to look around and think, hey Jake from math class is hot, well at least not out loud because I was scared someone would say something."

"Jake from math class is hot, you have good taste." Joseph laughed loudly, easing the tension, and making Jacob laugh. "Finn wouldn't have thought you were gay or made fun of you."

"Finn deals with so much. I never wanted to add more pressure to his life worrying about my love life. Plus, the Rebecca thing."

"So, then you wore safety blinders."

"What is that?"

"I made it up, it's what I came up with to explain why I could find a guy attractive but not say it out loud. I kept that part of me shut down and quiet because I was scared. I began to notice guys were good looking but kept it to myself, a way of self-preservation, so I put up my safety blinders."

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