Chapter 2 - Keira

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Chapter 2 - Keira

"God Kee! Why did you have to come back now?" I backed her up against the wall and attacked her lips ferociously. She returned the kiss eagerly. I couldn't get enough of her. I ripped her blouse; buttons scattered everywhere and attacked her breasts. She wasn't wearing a bra. Same old Keira I thought. I sucked on them while she worked on unbuckling my belt and getting her hands in my jeans. Her fingers circled around my c0ck and I groaned in ecstasy.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

I suddenly became aware of where I was, who I was with and what was about to happen. I pulled away from Keira while fixing my buckle. I turned to a scowling Nate and ran my hands through my hair.

"Hello to you too Nathaniel. Missed me?"

He stormed over to her eyeing her in disgust. "I said what are you doing here Sakeira?"

She moved away from her position and made her way over to my desk running her hand over the contents scattered across it.

"I came here for Blake."

"Clearly. He doesn't want you here."

"I beg to differ," she said.

The arousal in my jeans strained at the sound of her lusty voice. This woman pushed buttons I didn't even knew existed. I wanted her.

"You can't be here," Nate said.

"He's right," Chad said walking in. "You are not welcome here." Both Nate and Chad looked at each other. Something was going on here.

"What's going on?"

"You don't know do you Blakey?" Kee smirked. "They didn't tell you."

"Tell me what?"

"You are not staying here Sakeira! It's time for you to go!" Nate grabbed her and tried to pull her from the room.

"Let go of me! He needs to know what you all did!"

I was getting furious now. "What did they do Keira? Nate let her go."

"Do you know why I was banned from the castle all those years ago?"

I was confused at her words. "Banned? I thought you left. You wanted to go explore the planets or something like that."

"They didn't even tell you that. I didn't leave you Blake, at least not willingly. They, she pointed at Chad and Nate got Dimitri to let your father issue the command. He banned me and forbid me to ever come back or contact you. Dimitri was the one who did it. Your father just signed off."

"But that doesn't make any sense. Why would they want you banned?"

"Because I was pregnant with your child."

"If you were pregnant I would have known about it Kee. We were together."

"Well long story short. Dimitri found out about it, forced me to have an abortion, then went to the King and had me banned. He said as long as he was alive I would never get to sink my claws into you. Well now he's dead, so I'm no longer banned. At this time only the Queen or the present King; you, can actually get me to leave here again."

"That doesn't make any sense. None of this makes sense. Even if you were pregnant why would Dimitri send you away? He knew how I felt about you."

"And he also knew you had already been promised to your mate," Nate growled out. He had never like Keira. He continued. "You were seventeen. You were not ready for a child."

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