Chapter 22 - Let the fun begin

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Chapter 22 – Let the fun begin


There was something strange about him, but I didn’t have time to think about it. He opened the door and we stepped inside. The atmosphere itself stunk of the filthy rich. Everyone around me wore masks. There were some without, but I didn’t get the chance to look at them. The pain that shot up my arm had me cringing.

“Lesson #1: You don’t look at anyone unless I give you permission to. You should only have eyes for me.”

I opened my mouth to respond, but was cut off when another round of pain shot up my arm.

“Lesson #2: Never argue with your master. Trust that whatever your master says or does is in your best interest.”

The grip he had on my fingers was so intense; I really was incapable of words.

“Lesson #3: You always walk behind me; never in front, never beside. Your head should be bowed and your eyes on the ground.”

I glared defiantly at him.

“Lesson #4: Never stare your master directly in the eye. It’s a sign of disrespect. Only do so if he demands it of you.”

I noticed every head turned in our direction when we stepped in.

“Remember nobody knows who you are. Don’t get so tense. Relax.”

“Don’t tell me to fucking relax!”

I didn’t hear when he moved, but I felt when strong hands gripped my chin.

“Now I’m only going to tell you this once. I am trying to help you. So far, I have been humouring your little antics. This is the last time I am going to warn you. After this I will be forced to take action and you will not like it. So I suggest you suck up whatever issues you have and start listening to me.”

“Fuck you!”

He moved so fast that I didn’t even have time to register what happened. All I knew was that I saw stars and tasted blood when he backhanded me across the face. I was stunned. Never before in my life had a man hit me. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to retaliate, but somehow my body refused to make a move.

“That is the last time you will speak to me that way. I was only going to let you watch tonight but now I have other plans for you.” He gripped my chin again and brought his face closer to mine. “Try not to embarrass yourself any further tonight.” I glared with hatred at him. If looks could kill, he would have been dead on the spot. However, my body refused to challenge him, so there was nothing I could do but follow him when he pulled me roughly behind him through the club.

I followed him blindly. I just couldn’t understand why I refused to do anything about this. I mean he slapped me for Christ sake! Normally I would have raised hell already. This was all too confusing for me. It was no secret I wanted his help, but at what cost?

He pushed me roughly into a room I had no recollection of reaching. I turned to face him. My cheek still stung, but like the stubborn bitch that I was, I refused to let him see my weakness. “Do you beat all your women? You really should talk to someone about that, get some help.”

“Sit down.”

Surprisingly, I did what he asked.

“Okay, I’m only going to say this once and never again. If you choose to ignore or go against whatever I have told you, make no mistake you will be punished. Ask all the questions you want to, here, right now in this room, tonight, because after, there will be no chance for questions. Before I get into the dynamics of things I want to apologize for hitting you. I’m not usually that short tempered. It was uncalled for and I apologize.” I said nothing and he didn’t expound on his apology. “I am a fair master, harsh but fair. If you disobey me, you will be punished, and I like to get creative with my punishments.”

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