Chapter 38 - Total domination (Part 2)

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Chapter 38 – Total Domination (Part 2)

I opened my eyes slowly. I was stiff all over. If I was to say that I didn’t enjoy last night no matter how sick and twisted it seemed I would be lying. I found this side of Adrian scary but intriguing. Did I resent him for treating me that way? Maybe. Did I resent him for tormenting me and teasing me? Possibly. Did I love him any less? Definitely not. I sighed and rolled over in our bed. After a long intense week of initiation into his lifestyle, things were more or less back to normal. Now I couldn’t think without wanting his permission first. Was this what is felt like to belong body and soul to someone?

I leaned on my elbows and watched him breathe in and out evenly. I knew he was naked underneath the covers, but of course I couldn’t initiate anything. This was what having a master felt like.

The corner of his lips slowly pulled in a smile. “Do you find me that fascinating that you can’t sleep, princess?” His eyes opened slowly and I quickly lowered my head. “Come here.” I closed the space between our bodies and curled my naked body into his side. I was horny. “Is my princess horny?” I nodded my head up and down eagerly. “Hmm let’s see what we can do about that. His fingers slowly dipped to my cunt and rubbed. “So wet.” I whimpered. This had always been a game of his. He would get me so wet and horny for him and tease me until I was seconds away from finding joy, then he would leave me and we would start our day. This always frustrated me, because I would be left wanting and needy for the whole day. But the intense pleasure I would get at nights made it all worth it.

Two fingers entered me and I whimpered as they started to stroke away lazily. I knew the drill. I couldn’t move unless he told me to. So I laid there curled on my side with my legs apart as he stroked to his desire.

“Someone seems to have forgotten their manners this morning.” The fingers that were moving inside me stopped and disappeared, and I felt a hard smack on my ass. It sent a vibration straight to my cunt and I couldn’t hold back the moan that left my lips. “No good morning kiss?” I gasped. How could I have forgotten? That was one of his rules. I was always to greet him with a kiss when he got up in the mornings. I knew I’d have to pay for that mistake later, but honestly I was looking forward to it. He pulled on my braid and brought my lips to his. And without waiting to be acknowledged, he took what belonged to him. The kiss wasn’t soft or tender. It was rough and demanding. He didn’t guide me. I knew how he liked it. When his tongue pushed roughly into my mouth he groaned. When he offered it up to me and I sucked on it knowing how much it pleased him, he groaned some more and gripped one of my legs bringing it over his.

His cock was now pressed up against my core. Our flesh against flesh felt hot. Heat was coming from our pores. When he was satisfied with his morning greeting, he pecked my lips one final time and ended our kiss. I was pushed to my back roughly and both my hands were stretched above my head. In one swift thrust he was inside me. The shock of his move made me tighten instantly. He used one hand to hold both of mine in place above my head and then started to thrust into me. The more he thrust the more my walls tightened around him.

His lips sucked on my neck and his free hand fondled my breasts. His fingers pinched my nipples roughly causing me to jerk from his violent assault.

“Wrap your legs around me baby.”

I didn’t hesitate. I wrapped them around his waist quickly and the position caused him to push deeper into me. I moaned and gripped his cock some more. He moaned and licked up my body stopping at my lips.

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