Chapter 13 - Let it burn

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Chapter 13 - Let it burn

 "What the hell was so important that you had to summon us here father?"

"Sit down Blake."

"No father. You seem to take pleasure in ordering us around. We are grown ass men and a simple request would have sufficed."

"I apologise your majesty. Blake is not in the best of moods." Nate chuckled beside them.

The door opened and in walked the rest of the party.

"Good you're all here."

"Against our will," Blake grumbled.

"Mother what's the meaning of this?" Aria asked.

"Everybody sit down. I will explain everything. For those of you who don't know, this is my aunt Zaphaya."

It didn't escape my knowledge that Adrian had chosen the furthest place away from Lee to stand.

"Adrian, maybe you should sit down like everyone else."

"I prefer to stand."

His eyes went back and forth between aunt Zaphaya and me, almost as if he was piecing together a puzzle.

"Maybe someone should tell us what's going on. As you can see, Alexis doesn't do too well with storms."

"Lexie will explain."

"Long story short, it's about Alyssa. The twins have been kidnapped and she went after them."

As soon as I said this everybody was on their feet.

"How do you know that?" - Blake

"What twins?" - Aria

"Kidnapped..." - Alexis

"You knew. You knew all along where she was." - Adrian

"Sit down all of you! And shut the hell up so Lexie can explain."

I was grateful that Lee had taken the situation in hand, but my eyes were focused on Adrian. Out of all the questions asked, his was the one that I was most reluctant to address. He would see it as betrayal if he knew that both aunt Zaphaya and I kept Alyssa's location from him.

"Will you just listen to me first? I will answer all your questions. I'm sure you all know that Alyssa would have given birth by now. Well we all thought it was one baby, but it ended up being two. She had twin boys both with black hair and black eyes. When she left the castle she had been staying with my aunt. Apparently some attack happened and the boys were kidnapped. I'll let aunt Zaphaya explain about the attack since she was the one there and I wasn't." I gave the floor over to her and relaxed into my husband's embrace.

Zaphaya’s POV

"I was watching the boys when Sofia attacked. I had sent Kai out because Alyssa was in heat and she kept on attacking him. I'm not sure exactly how she did it, but it must have been some sort of spell to transfer magic. I remember feeling dizzy, and when I tried to use my powers nothing happened. The last thing I remembered before passing out was Sofia taking the boys."

"She took your powers?" Alexis said incredulously. "But that means she now has all seeing eyes." I nodded at this and once again the questions started. Adrian was more concerned with Alyssa than with me losing my powers.

"Where was Alyssa when all of this was happening?"

"Passed out."

"You're not telling us everything. If Alyssa was in that house she would have been able to help you and stop the Sae. If she was passed out from her heat it must have meant that she had to have been satisfied to the point of exhaustion. So who did she fuck Z? Because it wasn't me, so who was it?" His arms were crossed at his chest and his eyes blazed angrily at me. "Was it Kai?"

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