Chapter 6

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3. March 2023,Bahrain

I woke up around 3:33am. I felt Charles breathing against me. I still laid on his chest like I used to sleep. It was so calming that I fell back asleep after 5 minutes.

The next time I woke up was around 7am to someone moving underneath me. It was obviously Charles.

"I'm sorry, Val, I didn't mean to wake you up, but I have to leave early for training cause-" I interrupted Charles.

"Charles, it's completely fine. I get it. I have to get up early too, you know I'm working on the track as well, right," I replied.

"Yeah, right, so you want to come with me today?" He asked me,

"Don't you think it will attract attention?" I asked him.

"It might will, but why do you even care?" I don't, I mean not because of the media, but because my father. I don't even know if I'm strong enough to go through this again. Max and I have tried so hard not to attract attention so he'll never find me, but I couldn't tell Charles that.

"I do not care. It's just that...Ummm.... It does not matter. I'm going with you, okay?" What else could I have said? I didn't want to discuss any of this with him.

So we both went to his car and sat on the seat. He started the car and started driving.

It was so quiet, but I didn't like it, so I turned on the radio. 'Reflections by the Neighborhood' came on and I started singing it more like shouting out the lyrics. He started chuckling at me.

"Why are you laughing? You better sing with me, Charles!"

"But I don't even know the lyrics."

"Just sing with me. You don't have to know them to sing."
Then he finally tried to sing with me, although he probably sang all completely wrong. When we arrived we went to the various garages. On the way I felt some photos being taken. 'Please don't let it attract attention and please don't let him see it' that were my only thoughts in this situation. Max was already there too.

"So, who brought you here?" he asked me, with a little concern.

"Um. Charles," I said kindly, knowing he would have the same thoughts as me.

"Aren't you worried that photos might be taken of the two of you?" he asked, but I didn't want to talk about it. I couldn't, I would cry and I didn't want people to see that I was that weak.

"I hope not, but please let's not talk about it." Max looked at me with so much worry on his face, but then he started to smile slightly at me and gave me a quick nod. Then we both walked away because he had to prepare for free practice and I had to work.

When it was around 1:15 pm and I had done half of my work for the day, Max came to my workplace. He was already wearing his racing suit and a wide grin appeared on his lips.

"Max, what are you doing here?"
I was so confused when I came face to face with my best friend.

"We're getting you out of here. So you can watch me during free practice.

"Max, I don't think I can do this
I have to work!"

"I've already spoken to Chistian about it," he said


"He said he's happy with your work so far and that he doesn't mind you watching practice and so on, if it doesn't reflect on your work." Is my work that good? I don't think so, but I'm not complaining because I've dreamed of going to Formula 1 for free since I was a child.

Then he pulled me by my hand downstairs to the garage where Max's car was already prepared for FP1.
We suddenly stopped, he walked away and came back to me with headphones.

"You can sit next to my engineer"

"Is it really okay? I don't want to bother anyone."
that's the worst. I hate annoying other people. Max knows that.

"Val, you have to stop!" he said, but I didn't know what he meant.

"With what?" I asked him, somewhat confused.

"At the thought of you bothering everyone" I was speechless until I finally got some words out of my mouth.

"I...Uhmm...I'm...sorry," I said with my voice breaking several times.

"Don't be and don't say—" he couldn't even finish his sentence until one engineer cut him off with saying that free practice was about to start in 5 minutes.

"Uhmm... sorry I have to go now" he said, but looked very uncomfortable with ending this conversation like this.

"It's fine Max, but promise me two things at first drive carefully and second.." I made a little break cause I wanted him to ask me about the second thing.
"And second?" He finally asked.
"And promise me you'll win" he began to chuckle as I said that. After that talk he had to go into his well performing Reb Bull and I went to the empty seat next to Max's engineer.

FP1 Bahrain

It started with the Red Bull of Max pulling over to the circuit at first followed by the Alfa Romeo from Valterie Bottas and so on. The training was already going for 15 minutes until the first one crashed into the barriers. It was a red Ferrari. No one knew who of the two drivers it was cause there was a lot of dust that the crash caused. So there was the little chance of it being Charles, this idea wouldn't leave my mind for a second.

My heart was beating faster and faster until I finally heard the radio of the driver being fine. I felt relieved not only by knowing he was fine but also by the fact it was the Spanish driver, Carlos Sainz. His crash caused a red flag that's why everyone had to come back to pit. After half  an hour the track was clean from all the pieces of the Ferrari again. That meant there were still 15 minutes left to drive. The practice was finished at 2.30 pm. With Max leading, Lando Norris being second and Charles in third place. He could've been better but it was just practice anyway.

When Max was back he got out of his car and walked right into my direction. On the way he pulled his helmet of off his head. He had such a bright smile plastered on his face. I didn't saw this for ages.

"So I promised you I would win" he said so proudly
"Yeah I know Max" I tried to sound annoyed but how could I?


Sorry guys for being so inactive it's just I've wrote tons of chapters but I wrote them on paper don't ask why and the thing is I have to type them in and I'm so lazy. The next problem is I probably change everything in about 5 mins cause I think it goes way to fast with they're "relationship" yk

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