A Poets Muse

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Don't mind me,

I am just hear for the view

Not to judge or grunt.

But to be here with you.

The one I am searching for.

The one I've been longing for.

Though it isn't you, the one I want to stand next to now.

Proudly and strong, someday I'll meet you, someday soon.

I hope one day, you'll here me call your name.

Softly like a slow rain,

Each letter a note on the page, of the master piece you play.

I wish I could send these words to you.

As I type away at my keyboard, your fingers play the keys.

What is a poet to do when a musician is their muse.

One day I wish my words will move as swiftly as you.

I hope to be as captivating as your present on stage.

What a magnificent view.

Looking at you.

Your eyes are magnetic, a force that pull me towards your soul.

I hope one day when you see my eyes, I'll reflect back at you.

To show your the world you created, and the love you're worthy of.

To be proud of you each day, to remind you of the sacrifice you made.

And how hard you work each and every day.

For you have become this lonely poets muse.


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